Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

31 December 2006

Goal-Setting: 2007 Edition

As 2006 comes to a close (is it possible an entire year has gone this quickly?!), it seems appropriate to develop a few goals to work towards in the New Year. Something beyond the standard "work out more, eat better, lose weight, quit smoking" type things that are all well and good but seem a bit like yearly cop-outs. Therefore, here are my above-and-beyond goals for the coming year (because honestly, the cop-out goals are pretty good, too).

1. Get settled. As in, the place I live. That means hanging pictures and unpacking the last of the boxes (there are only two). And with any luck, this will be done entirely before the end of April. I've had plenty of very valid excuses--namely, not being in town for more than a few weeks at a time. But with four more months to go before hitting the year-mark in the new place, this needs to be done.

2. Vacation like it's 2006. '06 brought many fantastic opportunities for vacations and though I doubt I'll be able to vacation in all the corners of the World again this year, there's no reason not to take some time to get away. Any destination can be turned into a vacation, and there's no reason why the simple act of taking time for oneself and getting away can't be practiced more frequently.

2.5 Island Vacation, Anyone? I swore I would treat myself to another island vacation in '07, and unless there is simply no way to have this goal see fruition, I'll be enjoying fruity cocktails beachside during the cold months of '07.

3. Domestic Me. Cook? Moi? I try. I do. And honestly? I'm pretty good! I need to nurture my inner domestic goddess a bit more, so the idea for the coming year is to spend a little more time in the kitchen.

4. It's all about the budget. A sound financial plan is exactly what I used to have, and it seems in the past few months I've veered far off that path. It's time to get back on track. No time like the present.

5. Keep on reading. Avid reader that I am, I admittedly fell short in any literary goals this past year. Seeing as I have all the time in the world on the Metra and at home, I fully expect to expand my mind in a greater way come '07.

6. Work at something I love. A throwback to an '06 goal that was unfortunately overlooked. Seems self-explanatory, so I won't bother to discourse on it.

Bring on 2007! Happy New Year!

30 December 2006

The Penultimate Day of the Year

It seems appropriate on this second to last day of '06 that I look back on some of the goals (never "resolutions") I set just 366 days ago and assess just how close I came to success.

I did travel smarter (in nearly all cases) and have become so good at the preparation process I could write a book on it.

I've determined it's impossible for me to care less...however, I am learning how to better determine those situations when my caring will be a waste of good emotion.

Me-time is still lacking, and I need to work harder on that.

I've worked at nothing I love...outside of my day-to-day work, which is indeed something I like quite a bit. The search for something else that holds my passion and joy is still on, just not in active mode during the holidays.

My listening skills have been better honed, but the speaking softer is something that is just not me and will never change (sorry everyone!).

And yes, I bought my new home. And I love it muchly. This is the biggest accomplishment, and one that I'm happiest to move into the "attained fruition" category.

Oh, and happy birthday blog! Like I could forget...

All Hail Gross Fascination

Gross Fascination, meet the people the word over. They know you well. You make them yearn for video clips and 24/7 news coverage of things for which the printed word used to suffice. You make them Google the goriest of things so they can burn images into their brains and be able to brag, "Yeah, I saw that. Did you?"

The latest news item falling into the category of Gross Fascination is the whole Saddam hanging thing. I'm not going to even get into the news itself. I think the majority of people around the world are happy the bastard is no longer breathing the same air we breathe. He was Satan's son; an awful, mean, cold S.O.B. who killed thousands of his own people and countless others from many nations. He forfeited his own life long ago.

The news itself should be enough. Why do we need to see it? As if seeing is really the only way to believe the news media these days. Which we know isn't true. Most people believe the majority of what they read or hear if it's from a reputable news source (and I'm even using the word "reputable" in a loose sort of way). So why now are so many people flocking to Internet sites from around the world hoping to catch a glimpse of his execution?

Gross Fascination. That's the answer. It makes me shudder to think what news coverage will really be like a mere decade from now.

29 December 2006

My Latest Biggest Annoyance

That crazy car commercial that uses that awful "Sound of Music" song... "So long, farewell, auf wiedersehn, good-byyyyyyeeee..."


I'm sooo not a "Sound of Music" fan. Nothing against the Austrians or anything, but it's just not my thing. Making clothes out of bad drapes? Puh-leese. Spinning around the hills that are supposedly "alive" with music? No thanks.

I'm a fan of musicals. Hell, they were my favorite thing to act in. But I somehow have a particularly bad reaction to this one. Maybe it's because George forced me to watch it during Spring Break in college. (I detest being forced to do anything) Or maybe it's just because I found the entire thing unreasonable, unrealistic, and a tad bit silly.

Either way, hearing this car commercial (which plays incessantly on all local channels) with that awful song just makes me want to climb the walls. And of course, it especially sucks when TV is my only saving grace while under self-induced quarantine the past few nights.

Vacations: Best (and second best)

Who can say a vacation is bad? So I hereby round out my best and worst list of 2006 with vacations...the best--and the second best. Anything not mentioned can hardly be considered "the worst" (just not as memorable).

To recap: Vacations this year included London (in March), Hong Kong (in May), Vancouver (in September), Paris and the south of France (in October), and St. Martin (in November). I was truly blessed to be able to experience each of these places and had a wonderful time in each destination.

By process of elimination...

I have been to London often enough and though I always adore the time I spend there, this year's vacation in this fare city didn't bring anything new and/or exciting.

Hong Kong is one of my favorite places, and I adored the time I spent there...but I didn't do anything there in '06 that I didn't do in '05.

Vancouver was beautiful and I have this renewed affinity towards the Pacific Northwest.

But the best?

St. Martin. How can an island full of Frenchies and island natives, fabulous food and copious drinks, and the friendliest people I've met all year not be considered "the best"? Plus, the weather was gorgeous and I got an awesome tan and those are bonus points to which I cannot turn a blind eye.

If you're paying attention, that means the second best vacation...

...was Paris and the south of France. (Well, more the south of France than Paris, if only for the same reason as London (above)). I have experienced nothing more glamorous or breathtaking, and the company was pretty unbeatable, too. I am still saving for my home-away-from-home in Cannes or somewhere along the coast headed west towards St. Tropez.

Trampling Upon Chalk Drawings and More Tales From Today

The city was eerily quiet today. Because of the light foot traffic, I not only noticed but was able to read the chalk drawings and carefully scrawled messages along the sidewalks on Madison. "Go Bears" and other such pump-us-up cheers. I immediately flashed back to this form of viral messaging from college, where you only had to look down at the sidewalk to learn where the biggest house parties would be held each night. Funny how some things never go out of style and the littlest of things can bring me back to those days.


Speaking of little things, one of the biggest excitements of the month arrived today with the grand opening of the 7-11 two doors down from my office. Adams Street hasn't seen so much excitement between Franklin and Wacker since the summer's immigrant march. I must say, I am very excited about this opening and have already made friends with the workers. Walgreens two blocks away? You can kiss my business good-bye (unless I need an emergency prescription, in which case I love you very much).


It's true that I am mesmerized by other people's conversations. You could be talking about the most boring thing on the face of the Earth, but if I'm within in earshot I find it hard not to pay attention. I have even been known to unintentionally join conversations with complete strangers. Not, of course, actually piping up and saying something, but rather slowly working my way into the conversational circle and nodding my head along with the others being spoken to. It's true (correct me if I'm wrong, fine folks of Michigan in the Burger King by the border, but you let me into the circle and made eye contact with me and didn't seem to mind in the least. I am nothing if not a good, enthused listener).

So it hardly surprised me and only made me chuckle when the three ladies drinking their Coors Lights and eating their Cheetos (not Fritos, although that was the other choice but the beer-swilling blue-eyed woman chose Cheetos "for the calcium" and hey, they're both bad, right? So she said...) on the westbound Metra caught my attention. They were having quite the coffee (er, beer)-clatch, and were gearing up for some drinks out and about once they hit Crystal Lake. This time it was hard not to bite my tongue, but seeing as there was no way to join their party I buried my nose in my book and stared over the pages in nothing short of a Peeping Tom sort of way.


And as for Peeping Tom's, I swear, person-who-owns-the-unit-two-floors-below-mine, I didn't mean to check out your kitchen, but I need to walk past your window to get to my car if I exit the building to the door nearest our units, and your blinds were open. Anyway, I now have 100% confirmation that the weird space in the wall across from my stove is where an old, old refrigerator belonged. And seeing as refrigerators come much bigger these days (when you're ready to update, I'll show you my fancy fridge), I'm curious what you'll do when you need to buy one. Because I have plenty of ideas to share with you.


The sickness seems to be getting better (knock on wood). I'm hoping if I continue along this way, maybe just maybe I'll be well enough to go out on NYE. Not that I think that's a must, but I've never stayed in on New Year's and if I'm going to it's going to be of my own volition and not because I'm forced to out of illness. Because that's just sad knowing I made a commitment to do something and am looking forward to it and wouldn't be able to, suffering instead through Dick Clark. So I'll stay in tonight and drink as much cold medicine as I have to in order to be better by Sunday night. Think good thoughts for me!

28 December 2006


The cold is currently being held at bay, but my fleet of medication is weakening. I truly fear that this will turn into something full-blown and my extended weekend will be ruined.

Either this is the work of devilish Diva Niece- her surprise "Christmas present," perhaps?- (brother, SIL, and niece are all sick now, too), or my cold from a few weeks never went away 100% and my alcohol-induced state from the past couple weeks weakened my immune system and fueled life into the cold's dormant flame.

Either way, this sucks.

Travel Part 1: Best and Worst

Just because I do a lot of work-related travel doesn't mean I enjoy every place I visit. Though it's true many of the destinations are awesome, there are some duds as well.

Best Work-related Destination in 2006
This is a hard call, but I have to say Hong Kong. There really is no place quite like it. East meets West in this one-of-a-kind destination.

Worst Work-related Destination in 2006
Sao Paulo. No offense to the Brazilians. You're a nice bunch of people and have some awesome cuisine. But it really is a dud of a destination. The poverty everywhere adds amazing sadness and the crime problem adds an element of danger I'd prefer not surround me.

Best Thing Seen Whilst Traveling
Yes, this is where I've been lucky. Hands down, it's the Great Wall. Truly amazing.

Worst Thing Seen Whilst Traveling
See Worst Work-related Destination in 2006 and re-read the bit about poverty and crime. But especially the poverty part. The socio-economic issues in Brazil are beyond comprehension.

Why My Job Is Dangerous

Because really, knowingly going into anything resembling warfare is not my idea of safety. And people wonder why I was less than taken with Brazil...

27 December 2006

More Bests and Worsts

Best New Person In My Life
Hands down, that's my GBF. Everyone that knows him loves him, and everyone that doesn't know him would adore him. He has increased the fun factor in my life to the nth degree and has made my life richer by knowing him.

Worst New Person In My Life
The new VP. I don't need another sleazy used car salesman-type in my life.

Most Entertaining Friend
That would be you, Rafferty.

Most Frustrating Friend
Hello, Know-It-All. Words can't describe how one person being so damn opinionated and having to be right all of the time can try my last good nerve. The fact that she can be nice and can be thoughtful is her only saving grace.

Best Re-Connection
Without a doubt, I'm Just A Girl. Now that we live closer, logistics are in our favor. January for drinks and karaoke is in the works.

And on a different subject... Movies
Seeing as I usually like most of what I spend money on, it's easier to recount the ones I couldn't even get through. In no particular order,
* Prairie Home Companion
* Stick It (so I like teen fluff occasionally. What about it?)
* Unbreakable (just saw this on video and now know why I passed it up a hundred times before)
* North Country

Best New Show
* Ugly Betty. (Love it!)
* Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip
* 30 Rock

Worst New Show(s) I Wasted My Time On
* Big Day (Big waste of time)
* The Class (Note to the creators: "Friends" was a fluke. Hang up your writing cap for a while.)

Continual Faves That Are Still All The Rage
* King of Queens (I love you, Kevin James)
* How I Met Your Mother (Gay or not, I adore the grown-up Doogie)

26 December 2006

Best and Worst Reads of 2006

I'll start my Best and Worst posts with this... The Best and Worst books I digested in 2006.

(Please no comments on the amount of books read throughout the year, as it's a number I'm not proud of. I know I have failed miserably in this arena, and the only excuses can be DVR and NetFlix (I say this, but love you both. You know it, my pretty little scapegoats).

Post-Christmas Relaxation

Christmas has come and gone and I have survived once again, despite severe lack of sleep, nutrition, and sanity. All my baking was done in barely the nick of time (we're talking up to Christmas Eve at 4pm); present-wrapping went smoother than any other year even though I was more rushed than ever before (all done in 1 hour, which is a true feat for me); and, I still managed to say yes to almost every single invitation for a holiday gathering (sorry, VN, for not making it by Saturday. I was already double-booked and managed to sort that out, but I can't work miracles beyond that). The only thing I really wanted to do but didn't have time for was holiday movie-watching. No "Elf." No "A Christmas Story" all the way through (depsite TBS' 24 hours worth of air time). Not even "It's A Wonderful Life" or "Miracle on 34th Street." I know. Major tragedy.

Now I'm left to reflect on where the year went...because 2006 has flown by. It's hard to believe I have only 3 work days left of the year. Only 5 more days period making up this beautiful year. It just goes by too fast.

Because this is the time of year when my pensive streak goes into overdrive and sentimentality overwhelms me, the remaining posts for the week will detail MoC's Best and Worst of 2006. And yes, this is also because it is bound to be a slow week. You got me.

23 December 2006

Therapy for the Wicked

I have this "special quality." Ex's I retain on any level of friendship tend to come to me in lieu of seeing a therapist. I've had two psychology classes in my entire life, so I can attest to the fact that I am the last person to whom they should spill their guts and ask for advice on their mental status.

Last night I received another late night call from DXB. (If you think it's beginning to sound routine, walk a mile in my shoes...) This one was all about wallowing in self-pity. He was glum and not-so-happy even though I had seen him just hours before and he was happy-happy; this was not the voice of a remotely content man.

We went through a small dance of why he could be so glum and then it was thrown out there: He was depressed. It was over some girl he's been broken up with for four months. He "loved" her (and I put that in quotes because I don't think he knows what love is). He was dumped "brutally." (Yeah, when people break up, they tend to move on and that means losing the other's number) Woe is him.

If I sound apathetic or uncaring, you misunderstand. It's just he's such a woman over these things. I truly believe he thinks everything is like a romantic comedy. There will be a happy, funny ending where they bump into each other on the street and good stuff happens and all is resolved and they stroll off into the sunset and the credits roll. The fact that he's having trouble separating fantasy from reality is something else he should explore with a true professional. Despite the fact that I was rolling my eyes at all of this, I let him talk. And talk. And talk. I was thinking, "DXB, dammit, terse it up, why dont'cha?"

Once the flood gates opened, they couldn't be closed and I was thinking to myself, "Stupid, stupid, stooopid, MoC! Why the hell did you pretend you were interested? Now he'll never get off the damn phone and it's 2:30 in the freaking morning!"

On and on it went...The "possible excuses" for why they broke up. And really, at this point, do you think I'm caring? I used to date him. I can think of any number of "possible excuses" why she fled. In fact, I was prepared to jump in with several he failed to cover (note to self: write those down and email them to him for future reference). But the words kept coming, rapid fire out of his mouth. How he didn't have closure. How he didn't have the slightest clue why it ended (I never believe that one from anyone). At one point I had to stop him and say, "You know, maybe you need to talk to a professional about this," but then felt bad because the story wasn't that juicy and I would feel awful for sending him to some nice doctor who would now have to hear the whole sad, verbose thing on his/her own.

What I wanted to say was just too mean, and I just couldn't think of a way to be honest and clear without causing hurt. So I didn't. But it seems important and it should be said, in some variation, down the road. Something to the effect of: "You're not an especially kind person, DXB. You're full of flaws, just like the next person, yet yours are exacerbated by the blinders you wear and the self-love that flows like blood through your veins. You are short-sighted and heartless some of the time. Every good, wonderful thing about you is countered with a terrible hidden piece of you that comes out after you've closed the deal. You're a self-centered jerk, and quite possibly the most infuriating person that walks the face of the Earth. You're ambition-less and lazy and you think you can get away with it because you're intelligent and semi-witty when you want to be." Of course, I could keep going, but it's not worth thinking about because I'm sure other people think it, too, and there's no nice way to sugar-coat that turd of information. Just no way.

So...words, words, words...wanna get together?


I swear, DXB tried to turn his pity party into a booty call. Oh no he di'nt!

And that's when the final straw broke. When the Happy Holidays and Be Good and Drive Safely was thrown out. When I decided I should start charging him for his after-hour therapy sessions. When I determined that my time is too precious, regardless of the time of day or night, to deal with his emotional vampirism. And, when I decided that it must really suck to be him. To come to the point where you're spilling your guts out to your ex-girlfriend partly because you think you can get just one more, possibly new perspective, one more person to care; and, partly because you're hoping to get laid. Sad.

Sadder still, I wasn't that shocked or disgusted or disappointed with his proposition. It was just another cry for help or attention or both.

And as bad as I feel for him, he's a mid-30's man who has been through several relationships- big and small- in his life and he needs to grow-up and reflect internally; take stock of himself to determine the true root of his issues. And stop pining over someone who left his life. Only then can he truly move on. But, I'm not a professional therapist...

22 December 2006

All I Want for Christmas...

...is half of a new liver. I figure that the healthy half of an organ can eat up the remaining bad half of what will be left in me, and then I will be set for 2007. Oh, and if I can really ask for things, I also want my stomach scraped of every ounce of bad crap that has been forced into it. It's been a rough past couple weeks, and it will only continue on through NYE.

House cleaning matters
Pictures from the very awesome Raclette dinner party Sunday night.

The Raclette contraption. Pie-shaped pieces under the round grill is where you throw the semi-soft Raclette (or any other meltable cheese). The grill for veggies and meat is the round thing up top.

Just half of the ridiculous raw food buffet.

The fine art of Raclette.

Seriously...Way too much fun. Very social. Very European. Very cool. And in all honesty, this is what I want for Christmas (or any other special occasion where gifts are given to nice girls like me).

Yay for me! Despite the slow start, the holidays are proving to be a great success, not only socially but in all other matters as well. Christmas shopping was 100% completed yesterday afternoon.

Today's day off provided an amazing assortment of accomplishments:
* 5 loads of laundry. Done. (Let's not even talk about how it got that out of control, but if you care to guess, see liver comment above).
* Rum balls. Done.
* No-bake chocolate-peanut butter-oatmeal cookies (so sweet it hurts). Done.
* Three varieties of fudge. Done.
* Spiced pecans. Done.
* Toffee bars. Done.

As a treat to myself, I was persuaded to go out tonight for a little karaoke and holiday cocktails. (Hey, I worked my butt off today. I deserve it.)

On the docket for tomorrow (because do you really think I'm done with the cookie factory?):
* Sugar cookies with home-made icing (Um...Yum!)
* More spiced pecans (easy but time-intensive)
* Maybe more toffee bars (because they're that good)
* Possibly some shortbread (depending on time)

Then...the holiday season gets underway with family activities. Off to Glendale Heights for Dad's side of the family the day before Christmas Eve party, consisting of zillions of cousins and their kids and so much food I am already starving myself to make room for it all.

Of course, this is said after last night's first installment of the Jeunesse Doree dinner party, held at Ady's awesome West Town apartment. Appeteasers included home-made blue-cheese stuffed dates wrapped in bacon, stuffed grape leaves, and asiago cheese bread with garlic-olive oil dipping sauce. Main course: chicken parmesean and spinach pasta with a pesto, olive, tomatoe and feta cheese sauce. Dessert: tiramisu. Good cab for imbibing and loads of laughter (my side still hurts) among good friends and that was our fantastic evening.

Of course, I have no idea how I will top this, but I was considering a lower-the-bar, no-expectations type evening- aka the Ultimate White Trash Jeunesse Doree gathering- to include cold queso dip from a jar along with a bag of Tostitos, chili mac and cheap pasta, hot dogs, maybe some spaghettios, and for dessert, jello with mayo topping. To drink: Schlitz (in cans, of course). Entertainment: well, not to make fun, but karaoke. But I joke. About the food. Regardless of what I serve (and no, it won't be anything mentioned above), karaoke will be our evening entertainment, because 3 of the 4 of us enjoy good lyrical fun.

18 December 2006

Update for I'm Just A Girl

Report from the front: No weirdness abounds in the office due to Friday's shenanigans, just as I suspected. In fact, not one person has brought it up, and Cute Co-Worker and I are getting along just as we have in the past.

Update on the rest of the weekend's activities- including the Raclette dinner party with pictures and a private party Rafferty and I crashed last night making for a debaucherous, naughty evening- to come as soon as I am home and truly sober.

I'm thinking about putting myself on the list for a half of a new liver because by the end of the month it will be suffering terribly. I *heart* the holiday season!

16 December 2006

The Office-esque Holiday Party

My holiday office party was yesterday, and because we're not a normal bunch of people it was something that could have come straight out of "The Office."

The big event started like any other of our past holiday parties. The trolley came by (I was cringing hoping an old friend wasn't driving because that would be a smidge embarrassing for the both of us), and the holiday carols began. I know all of the new people (and we have quite a few of them) were flushed with embarrassment wondering what the hell they got themselves into. I know where they're coming from. I sort of felt that way my first Christmas with the company. Because really, there is something about adults singing on wheels that is just...well, a little strange. Because I'd rather make my own fun than suffer through the embarrassed shifts and silence from the newbies, I made sure to sing extra-loud and a tiny bit off-key to prove that even one of the coolest officemates plays along good naturedly.

We unloaded at Grand Lux where we had a nice private room, holiday music piped in, big glasses of yummy wine being passed -- and assigned seating. Sign #1 that things were going to be a bit different this year. Sign #2 that we were in for more than light banter with colleagues came in the form of a cross between holiday and Christmas trivia for each table, which we did over lunch. Nothing like not being able to really enjoy your meal. I have no idea what the winning table received, but I do know that a couple careless answers cost us the big win. We ended the party with- you guessed it- more signing. By this time, everyone was more mello and the singing was a bit more off-key and more laughs could be heard.

The whole thing ended a little before 3 and a group of us headed straight to Pippins Tavern, the closest bar around that we knew would be open. For some reason, 3 turned into 5 and things began to get naughty. By 7, Co-Worker and I decided that, as my holiday cards stated this year, naughty really is the new nice as we made out by the tables we had commandered. I can only laugh at what some people must have thought about us. And at 9 I was insistent that no, I am not going home with you because that would just be wrong, and that yes, I was hopping on the next train home -- but I am sooo flattered by the offer of more no-strings attached fun, thanks. (A few more Stella's and I know I would have had to take him up on the offer)

Being a little over-served, I decided to rest my weary eyes and settle in for the we're-making-every-stop train trip home. And managed to somehow completely pass out and wake up to, "Now approaching...Barrington." What!?! Barrington! What the f**k! As I exited the train, I asked the conductor when the next train going east was and his response (2 hours!) was unacceptable. Luckily, my guardian angel was so looking out for me because there was one lone cab waiting outside the train station. 30 minutes later, I was home without even a tiny hint of a buzz and all I could think was I should've stayed out longer in the city, thereby missing all trains going home, and would've had to take a cab which would've been faster and cheaper than my journey turned out to be.

Utterly exhausted, I went straight to bed and was enjoying a nice, snuggly-warm sleep when the shrill ring of the phone woke me -- at 3am. 3am! What the f**k! I flew out of bed thinking there was some emergency and who should it be but DXB. What should've turned into a booty call gone bad turned into an hour-long conversation, which- considering the time and how tired I was and how happy-tipsy he was- was actually pretty funny and nice. When he suggested we get together (yes, that early in the morning), I told him I was being more than tolerant and nice to stay up on the phone with him this long but was hanging up now. Me thinks I should be expecting a call outside of his weekly holiday calling pattern tonight or tomorrow sometime.

Needless to say, most of the errands and planned activities I had for today flew by the wayside due to being excruciatingly tired today. Which is fine and all. Tonight will be movie night with Rafferty, which is right up my alley. And then tomorrow can be the day of activity. On the agenda: highlights/haircut/wax appointment in the AM followed by finishing up Christmas shopping once and for all and the Raclette dinner party rounding out the remainder of the day.

The weekend is only halfway through and I am pooped.

14 December 2006

Cutie Hot-Noodles

That's me. (Heehee!)

Find out what your Santa's Little Helper name* is and let the holiday spirit move you.

(*As seen at All Things Jennifer)

Golden Globe Nominations

Golden Globe noms came out this morning, which gives me a good idea what movies I'll need to see in the next month. I just luuuuurve awards season! Just 31 more days until the red carpet, snarky comments, and- oh, that's right- finding out who wins. Yay!

13 December 2006

Yummy Drinkables

Mmmmmm. Cream and coffee flavored liqueurs, new from Starbucks. Genius! Adore the concept, and I'm sure I'll love creating tasty new libations.

11 December 2006

Who Didn't See This One Coming?

She needs to grow up and eat a sandwich.

Mmmm...Holiday Treat

As seen in today's Daily Candy:

Dark Caribbean rum cake packaged up and sent in a hat box.

I love Caribbean rum! I adore cute hat boxes! This is the perfect gift for me (hint, hint)!

Amazing Race Rumor

Debunked! It's a reality! Yay for the All-Stars!

10 December 2006

Anger Isn't an Excuse

Friday afternoon, a crazed man overtook the Citibank building downtown and wreaked havoc not only on the afternoon work hours for many, many floors of office workers, but also for many, many hundreds of commuters going through Ogilvy (my train station). It was a scary several hours--knowing that that the building was evacuated and some people were being held in their offices by a gunman just blocks from where I work. It was a horrible, sad day for the shooting victims--innocent lives lost because one man was angry, disgruntled, and thought shooting up people in suits whose company supposedly wronged him and his invention was a good idea.

Everyone gets angry--really, really angry. Why oh why did this man have to resort to violence? Didn't he know that these things never end well? Was it worth giving up his life just so he could rage and kill people and injure others and scare many?

The entire thing made me angry, sad, faithless as it unraveled, and as the weekend goes on and more news comes out, I only get angrier. Innocent lives lost...and over what? A patent dispute? Puh-leese. What...WHAT...is our world coming to?

Looking Ahead

Upcoming activities of the week -- a reflection of yay's and nay's:

* The cold is still hanging out in the form of this icky cough, but I'm chomping at the bit to get back to a normal workout and I have deemed tomorrow as my day to start again. Am definitely looking forward to that.

* Pot luck at work. An annual affair that is something we all actually have a little bit of fun with. My dish is an antipasto pasta salad, which is easy and yummy.

* Holiday drinks with CC and Babz. Always a fun time. Vino, here I come!

* Company Christmas party. A decent lunch at a more than decent place with plentiful wine. And an early end to the work day. Holiday drinks to follow if I have anything to say about it.

* Weekend Raclette party. Am really looking forward to it because it is oh-so-European and warm and homey. A little piece of France right here in Chicago.

* The FTF is trying to come down this coming weekend as well. When he writes daily and tells me how much he misses me, my heart just melts and I have to at least try to clear some time from my schedule. It will be a nice holiday visit for the both of us. And if I have to admit it, I do miss him, too.

* Loooong conference call with the Chinese. Though certainly not bad or too negative, it still makes for a never-ending work day (and night).

* Finding time to finish that much-mentioned Christmas shopping. I wish I could hire an elf to help me out.

The yay list far outweighs the nay list and that puts me in a great mood for the start of a busy week.

Mundane Race Conclusion

Even though it's one of my favorite shows, it was still a very blah conclusion to the season.

Possible happiness: Rumor has it there will be an All-Stars Amazing Race, which I have been hoping for now for several seasons. Oh please say it's true!

Holiday Progress

In one week, I've managed to make myself proud.

* Christmas cards completed and mailed. Check.
* Christmas shopping started -- and 50% done. Check.
* More decorations added to the abode. Check.
* Christmas music playing at all times and my desire for Band-Aid to regroup at full-hilt. Check (and check).

Still to be done:
* The remainder of the Christmas shopping. Of course, I left the harder gifts for last. One always needs a challenge.

* The Christmas Cookie Factory (i.e. me and my kitchen) needs to open. I have a long list of cookies and bars and candy to be made and the available days (and money for supplies) is dwindling.

* Wrapping of gifts. This takes way too long because I suck at wrapping.

Things I love to do that I will sadly not have time for:
* Chicago's version of the Christkindl Markets, taking place in Daly Plaza. Ah, to freeze my butt off while sipping the sickeningly sweet and intoxicating gluhwein.

* Huddling with the all the suburbanites outside the windows on State Street. I couldn't even tell you what the theme for the windows are. And is Macy's up to par with the late, great Fields window displays?

Something I have never done (or seen until last night) but was literally laughed at for perhaps living in a box:
*Caroling. Honestly, I thought it was something that only happened in holiday movies. And now I feel as though the Young Me truly missed out on something

Christmas cheer is topping up at a great rate of speed, and I'm beginning to look forward to being complete with all necessary tasks so I revel in all things holiday-esque, including watching holiday movies non-stop and enjoying countless holiday get-togethers with good friends and many laughs.

I *heart* this time of year!

Race Finale

Season 10 of The Amazing Race ends tonight. The show has slowly redeemed itself after the family season debacle and though it's not quite what it was seasons 1 through 6, it's still quite good and certainly still one of my very favorite shows.

Usually I feel strongly about the final three teams and know- in order of my greatest hope- which team I hope comes in first at the finish line. This season is entirely different. I don't have the faintest clue who will come in first, and to be honest I don't know if I care -- BECAUSE I DISLIKE THEM ALL.

The Pretty Boys annoy me to no end. Them and their pompous model smirks are just ridiculous. They're a strong team, though, and stand a very good chance of winning.

The Couple are whiners and complainers and are the sterotypical fighters--with each other. They annoy me just as much as the Pretty Boys do. Despite the fighting, they somehow have managed to pull it together enough to work well and complete their challenges and fight their way into the final 3.

Bama is a long shot, but they're an all-female team and there has yet to be all-female team to win the Race. With that said, I would be surprised if Bama can pull it off. They're slow and sluggish but have a lot of heart. They're the surprise team in this final 3, and I suppose if they have pulled it off this far, there's always hope for a win.

Who deserves it? I can think of 20 things I dislike about each team as opposed to 5 good things I can say in support of all three. And I certainly can't pick a favorite. Which means come tomorrow night I can relish all of the smarmy details and root for all or none of them. It is the one program I have sooo been looking forward to this week! Can't wait to see how it ends!

Saturday Stuff

For the first weekend in I don't know how long, I had the opportunity to get a jump start on some secondary errand items -- most especially getting my world map framed. I knew custom frames were expensive, but this literally knocked the wind out of me. If I really knew years ago how lucrative the framing business could be, I would've learned enough to get by and opened up my own shop. Unfreakingbelievable.


Since I've done the bare minimum in the way of bringing holiday decorations to my abode, I took great joy at going to the 'rents house today to help them decorate. As a reward for my hard work, Mom unloaded a fair amount of Christmasy stuff on me including a nativity set, plenty of Christmas candles and holders, some holiday dish towels and oven mitts, and various and sundry other home items. Happy indeed.


Finally started my Christmas shopping. Jumped in, both feet forward, and it was fairly painless. Now that I've started I feel compelled to finish soon. Tomorrow would be nice, but realistically I'll settle for next Saturday.


J and I went to go see Bobby tonight. Though there were some characters/story lines that seemed silly, trite, and generally pointless, it was easy to turn a blind eye to it when everything else was so well done. It was truly an important movie and got us both to thinking: Bobby Kennedy's assassination- along with other events from that time period (e.g. MLK's assassination, et al)- truly marked an end to an era. Never again have American's truly rallied the way they did for political hopefuls or current event issues- political, economic, ecological, humanitarian, etc. Why? What changed? Why is our country becoming more apathetic as the years go by yet the whining and complaining has increased ten-fold? Why is it that few people have the passion that many people back then naturally exuded? And further, what if JFK or RFK had lived? How would our world have changed? Would things really be all that different than they are today? Thought-provoking, non?

07 December 2006

Thursday Musings

Let there be heat. The H&C guy came right at 8 (even a little before, giving me renewed faith in the service industry) and set about rolling up his sleeves and fixing the problem. Which, as it turned out, is not an association liability but my own. After the heat was manually turned on ("Don't do this yourself," I was told. No crap. Really?) and the thermostat yanked off the wall, there was much fiddling and faddling and then I was told the following simple statement: "Your thermostat is broken."

There were two choices:
(1) Leave the thermostat off the wall but connected by two little wires, where at this odd position it was somehow working (but not when neatly placed back on the wall, thingamabobs unexposed).
(2) Get a new thermostat.

The solution seemed obvious to me. $102 later. Because the problem was with the thermostat (a fixture in my my abode) and not with the actual heat (an association issue). It seems a small price to pay not to grow icicles.


Oooohhh...Sparkles. Walking home from the train tonight, I couldn't help but put the fact that I couldn't feel my lower extremities out of my mind as I was dazzled by the pretty lights in my downtown. There's something about the twinkling lights against the dizzyingly black as pitch sky and crisp air that made me just sigh in contentment. As much as I detest cold weather, I can give it a break during this time of year.


Oh, Augusten. I want him to be my gay boyfriend.

Really. How fun would that be?

Weirdness Holiday Style. The holidays do something weird to people who are not entirely jolly the other 11 months of the year. The people I know turn (gasp!) nice...tender...sentimental...not themselves...strange...weird...sometimes scary [in this weird, not themselves sort of way]. DXB is one of those casualities. Though I can usually time his calls down to the week (he is nothing if not predictable), his steady calls become progressively frequent the closer we get to Jesus' birthday. This has nothing to do with him getting in touch with Jesus. It has to do with him getting swept up with holiday spirit. Missing being part of a couple (the other half of whom treated the entire holiday season like the biggest bash ever, did it up with immense style, and gave fantastical prezzies...umm, yeah, that would be me); lusting for a little togetherness; yearning for that safe, warm-fuzzy feeling. Having been broken up for a few Christmas seasons now, I knew the time would be coming when the calls began with a bit more gusto. And today was the advent to that time period. If memory serves, this should continue through the first week of January, at which point he will go back to his standard call pattern. In the meantime, happy Christmas season, DXB! I promise to pick up next time.


My new fascination...

I can't help it.

06 December 2006


I was so looking forward to this weekend: a well-planned and much-anticipated trip back to Milwaukee with an old college roomie to visit our old haunts and treat ourselves to much pre-Christmas debaucherie.

Alas, I was thusly advised that because her hubby is in need of her post-surgery (I do understand), our lovely weekend is canceled. Er, postponed. For early January. We hope.

The upshot is I can stay longer at the first holiday party of the season this Friday and perhaps imbibe a bit more and cook up even more holiday cheer than normal. And all of that holiday season stuff I have been trying to find time for? Well, that can start to be tackled, too.

There are upshots to everything. Even if disappointment does come with it.

Heat Update

My association has a lovely lady who has worked for them since late summer. Her name is Debbie, and every time I call over there I hope I can speak to her. She's by far the nicest one there and also the one that gets things done quickly.

When I called the association about my heat issue this morning, I was thrilled I got her. In a matter of minutes, she had called the heating and cooling company they use, alerting them to my issue and giving them my info. A minute or two after that, the heating and cooling company had me on the phone, scheduling my appointment for tomorrow morning.

Very impressed am I. I can survive a little coolness for one more night- it honestly isn't uncomfortable, just a little annoying- and hopefully it really is just a loose valve or something (as they think it is).

Christmas Cheer

One of the best things about holiday carols?

The formidable Mr. Groban singing "O Holy Night."

Honestly? Too dreamy.

Has-Been Trying to Be Funny

Honestly, I'm sure that's exactly what that was about. And it backfired.

Is it me, or does he get weirder by the year?

(And to think I actually liked him in "News Radio.")

05 December 2006

Lint Traps and More Crap

Randomness from today:

My cold is better. At least I can breathe. It's now entirely in my chest and I sound just lovely. But I feel better, I swear.


Was finally up to tackling the mounds of laundry waiting for me. And honestly, why can't people clean lint traps? I feel like I am a one woman lint trap cleaning machine! I need to find a way to fine the other residents of this complex.


The heat in this building is so goofy. I have yet to figure it out, and now would be a fine time to start what with it being 27 degrees out. Normally quite comfortable despite the cold weather, my unit didn't have the radiators go on until over the weekend. This may seem strange (I thought so), but spoke with some friends about it and they have experienced the same thing in their past condo living experiences. Apparently, so long as heat rises and my place stays toasty warm, that's all that matters. Over the weekend, when a slight chill set in, I bumped up the thermostat and the heat clinked on. Literally clinked and clanked and made quite the racket and wouldn't you know there was heat. Until yesterday, when suddenly nothing came on. And now the temp seem to be dropping in here and the thermostat is up as high as it will go and the radiators are cold to the touch. I swear, if there is no clinking and clanking tonight, that association is going to get an earful tomorrow! Lucky for them, I like sleeping in cool temps.


Sweet Southsider from work was my walk-to-the-train companion this evening. She is honestly one of the sweetest, thoughtful, giving people I know. She is also the biggest talker ever. In a 10 minute walk, I don't think I managed to get in more than 5 words. Which is fine because it was so cold and we were walking so fast and I was coughing like crazy that I couldn't have kept up my end of the conversation even if I wanted to.


20 days 'til Christmas. Still no shopping done (or started for that matter). Still no cards written. Still no baking done. But I did DVR some Christmas specials, which will top up the Christmas spirit just as soon as I get around to watching them. First holiday party of the season is Friday night. This should also get the holiday spirit really flowing.

04 December 2006

Things About Me

Because it's a slow day--and I'm under the weather--here's today's interesting tidbits of info about me. This little meme has been floating around, so here's my take (items in bold are things I have done):

01. Bought everyone in the bar a drink
02. Swam with wild dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. Said “I love you” and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Bungee jumped
11. Visited Paris
12. Watched a lightning storm at sea
13. Stayed up all night long and saw the sun rise
14. Seen the Northern Lights
15. Gone to a huge sports game (and survived the crush afterwards)
16. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
17. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
18. Touched an iceberg
19. Slept under the stars
20. Changed a baby’s diaper
21. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
22. Watched a meteor shower
23. Gotten drunk on champagne
24. Given more than you can afford to charity
25. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
26. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
27. Had a food fight
28. Bet on a winning horse
29. Asked out a stranger
30. Had a snowball fight
31. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
32. Held a lamb
33. Seen a total eclipse
34. Ridden a roller coaster
35. Hit a home run
36. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
37. Adopted an accent for an entire day
38. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
39. Had two hard drives for your computer
40. Visited all 50 states
41. Taken care of someone who was drunk
42. Had amazing friends
43. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
44. Watched wild whales
45. Stolen a sign
46. Backpacked in Europe
47. Taken a road-trip
48. Gone rock climbing
49. Midnight walk on the beach
50. Gone sky diving
51. Visited Ireland
52. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
53. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them
54. Visited Japan
55. Milked a cow
56. Alphabetized your CDs
57. Pretended to be a superhero
58. Sung karaoke
59. Lounged around in bed all day
60. Played touch football
61. Gone scuba diving
62. Kissed in the rain
63. Played in the mud
64. Played in the rain
65. Gone to a drive-in theater
66. Visited the Great Wall of China
67. Started a business
68. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
69. Toured ancient sites
70. Taken a martial arts class
71. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight (give me a break)
72. Gotten married
73. Been in a movie
74. Crashed a party
75. Gotten divorced
76. Gone without food for 5 days
77. Made cookies from scratch
78. Won first prize in a costume contest
79. Ridden a gondola in Venice
80. Gotten a tattoo
81. Rafted the Snake River
82. Been on television news programs as an “expert”
83. Got flowers for no reason
84. Performed on stage
85. Been to Las Vegas
86. Recorded music
87. Eaten shark
88. Kissed on the first date
89. Gone to Thailand
90. Bought a house
91. Been in a combat zone
92. Buried one/both of your parents
93. Been on a cruise ship
94. Spoken more than one language fluently
95. Performed in Rocky Horror
96. Raised children
97. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
99. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
100. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
101. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
102. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking
103. Had plastic surgery
104. Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived
105. Wrote articles for a large publication
106. Lost over 100 pounds
107. Held someone while they were having a flashback
108. Piloted an airplane
109. Touched a stingray
110. Broken someone’s heart
111. Helped an animal give birth
112. Won money on a T.V. game show
113. Broken a bone
114. Gone on an African photo safari
115. Had a facial part pierced other than your ears
116. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
117. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
118. Ridden a horse
119. Had major surgery
120. Had a snake as a pet
121. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
122. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
123. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
124. Visited all 7 continents
125. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
126. Eaten kangaroo meat
127. Eaten sushi
128. Had your picture in the newspaper
129. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about
130. Gone back to school
131. Parasailed
132. Touched a cockroach
133. Eaten fried green tomatoes
134. Read The Iliad - and the Odyssey
135. Selected one “important” author who you missed in school, and read
136. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
137. Skipped all your school reunions
138. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
139. Been elected to public office
140. Written your own computer language
141. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream
142. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
143. Built your own PC from parts
144. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you
145. Had a booth at a street fair
146. Dyed your hair
147. Been a DJ
148. Shaved your head
149. Caused a car accident
150. Saved someone’s life

Earth shattering? No. Slightly interesting? Perhaps.

I really need to go parasailing...

03 December 2006

Tis the Season

The holiday season has once again managed to sneak up on me. The last time I recall having enough time to actually do everything I wanted to get done and still enjoy the season was back in 2002 when I was laid up and off work for gall bladder removal. Believe me, you can get a lot done when not standing entirely upright.

Since there is no gall bladder to remove and 22 days until Christmas Day, I decided that I needed to get a jump start on a few holiday items before time really escaped me.

Holiday Cards bought. Check.

A list of who to buy for along with gift ideas. Check. (Yes, it would be more productive to actually start the buying, but I detest wandering around crowded stores without a game plan.)

Christmas tree purchased. Check.

My own perfect Italian stone pine bush of a tree. Sparsely decorated by my friends at the local grocery store. It's ideal for my living situation: dresses up a table, makes the condo smell nice, and requires no more upkeep and care than the average plant.

It's beginning to look a little more like Christmas around here.

Now...if only I can brave the malls...

Where I Fell In Love

With a place, not a person. But it was here. The best week-long vacation I've had in a long time. I don't have enough good things to say about the resort, the weather, the people, and the incredible amount of R&R. I'm already planning my next trip.