Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

31 December 2006

Goal-Setting: 2007 Edition

As 2006 comes to a close (is it possible an entire year has gone this quickly?!), it seems appropriate to develop a few goals to work towards in the New Year. Something beyond the standard "work out more, eat better, lose weight, quit smoking" type things that are all well and good but seem a bit like yearly cop-outs. Therefore, here are my above-and-beyond goals for the coming year (because honestly, the cop-out goals are pretty good, too).

1. Get settled. As in, the place I live. That means hanging pictures and unpacking the last of the boxes (there are only two). And with any luck, this will be done entirely before the end of April. I've had plenty of very valid excuses--namely, not being in town for more than a few weeks at a time. But with four more months to go before hitting the year-mark in the new place, this needs to be done.

2. Vacation like it's 2006. '06 brought many fantastic opportunities for vacations and though I doubt I'll be able to vacation in all the corners of the World again this year, there's no reason not to take some time to get away. Any destination can be turned into a vacation, and there's no reason why the simple act of taking time for oneself and getting away can't be practiced more frequently.

2.5 Island Vacation, Anyone? I swore I would treat myself to another island vacation in '07, and unless there is simply no way to have this goal see fruition, I'll be enjoying fruity cocktails beachside during the cold months of '07.

3. Domestic Me. Cook? Moi? I try. I do. And honestly? I'm pretty good! I need to nurture my inner domestic goddess a bit more, so the idea for the coming year is to spend a little more time in the kitchen.

4. It's all about the budget. A sound financial plan is exactly what I used to have, and it seems in the past few months I've veered far off that path. It's time to get back on track. No time like the present.

5. Keep on reading. Avid reader that I am, I admittedly fell short in any literary goals this past year. Seeing as I have all the time in the world on the Metra and at home, I fully expect to expand my mind in a greater way come '07.

6. Work at something I love. A throwback to an '06 goal that was unfortunately overlooked. Seems self-explanatory, so I won't bother to discourse on it.

Bring on 2007! Happy New Year!


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