Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

26 July 2007

The Complexities of a "Post-Relationship" Relationship

DXB is just that for a reason. Four years ago our not so short union ended. It wasn't a nasty or emotional split. It was rather mutual in nature and, having been friends for many, many years before dating, we reverted back into a seemingly normal, only slightly odd friendship.

Right. For the first two months of singledom from each other. Until his rebound relationship insisted he choose a friendship with me or dating her. To his credit, he thought on it. He even presented the issue to me; laid it out there complete with pros and cons. The hitch of it all was simple: If he chose the relationship, he had to break all ties with me. Needless to say, when he told me he had to give it a shot with her and he was saying sayonara to me, I told him quite plainly, "You'll regret this down the road." It wasn't meant as a threat. I just knew it to be true. She wasn't a keeper.

Cut to a year later and who should be calling me right and left but DXB. It was then much as it is now--predictable. Like clockwork, I could predict when the calls would come. Because I'm not one to shatter relationships, I let months go by without picking up or returning a call--until the day when an unfortunate incident occurred for him and it was only appropriate to speak.

And then it just sort of happened. He broke up with the girl (not because of me), and one would think we would go back to exploring a friendship--the one that was only abandoned for a year. But no. He didn't know how to take back the decision he made, and I didn't think it was my place to correct his mess.

Instead, what we have now is this odd little relationship full of amazing complexities. Many times we have great long talks and amazing nights out. Of course there is still a connection on countless levels. Other times, he is frustratingly awkward, as though he has no idea what to say to me; as though he was never my friend. What is especially maddening is the fact that we are both notorious for having stellar friendships with our ex's. So where's the trouble here?

Last night DXB called--with absolutely nothing to say. If he was in front of me, I would've shaken him. I have come to the point where it just feels as though something, regardless of how flip, needs to be said. Something along the lines of, "You're not bound to that 'promise' you made to that girl anymore. You know that, right?"

I know him. Over a decade of knowing him makes him an easy read for me. He's afraid of something (maybe more than one something), but exactly what remains elusive to me.

I'm not really sure why this matters so much to me, but it does. We are not good as committed partners, but as friends? We were pretty great a good portion of the time. I can count far more good times than bad together, and I know he agrees. So. This could be my new project: a situation to resolve. It feels as though something needs to be done. And he would rather have years of ridiculous awkwardness than be the one to go out on the limb and make the first step towards clearing the air.

Always a woman's work, I tell ya. The fixer of all wrongs.

My New Guilty Pleasure

This is the best mindless bit of entertainment I've run across all summer.

25 July 2007

Pimp This Ride

Every time I take my car into the local auto shop, they're kind enough to throw in a free loaner car.

Don't be jealous but I've been tooling around town in this hot Neon (ca. 1991) for the past few days.

I know. Sweet ride, right?

You can't imagine how much attention I'm getting.... I wonder why...

This Is Our Future?

It's not news to me that today's young celebs aren't instilling much hope for the future. But when is the bad behavior going to end?

First, Lindsay falls off the wagon and then lies poorly when caught. Then, Britney proves that she is exactly the trash we thought she was all along.

When is someone going to shake these girls and explain to them that what they're doing is unattrative, humiliating, and fodder for so many people to drag their already tattered name through the mud?

Through every disgraceful act, they beg for privacy. They should stop doing such mind-blowingly stupid things- at least out of the public eye- and maybe then they'd get the privacy they'd like.

In the meantime, I'm convinced these are big signs the herd needs to be thinned.

21 July 2007

Festa, Here I Come

Off to Milwaukee for Festa and a visit with Spinelli. Not a good way to stay out of trouble, but certainly an excellent way to remain highly entertained and surely a good use of a gorgeous summer weekend.

My Cupcake Obsession

I have long loved cupcakes. This passion has existed for close to 30-some-odd years, well before it became the trendy treats of today's celebs.

I have been on this cupcake binge this summer. Not eating them...making them. I am obsessed, and I really have no idea why. Needless to say, on any given weekend I am surrounded by more cupcakes than I know what to do with. My friends and coworkers, of course, are loving the Polly Homemaker me.

In a moment of insane desperation, I introspectively turned on myself and I think I've found where all of this stems: I am not satisfied with any batch that's made. It's simply not the kind want. And after some soul searching I have figured out what soul food I need to kick this ridiculous obsession: chocolate chip cupcakes.

Back in 1984-85, it was my favorite kind of cupcake. Betty Crocker or Pillsbury (not sure which) had this amazing mix with a matching frosting. It was better than words can even describe. I remember bringing them to school for the birthday treat, and everyone loved them. My favorite cupcakes were a hit!

And then they went away. Mom stopped making them on special occasions and I actually sort of forgot about them until this odd little obsession sparked deep within me. I have looked high and low at all the local stores and cannot find this variety of cupcake. Mom thinks they stopped making them a loooong time ago, and that hurts. It's like this tiny happy little part of my childhood has disppeared.

So there is only one solution: Make my own. Hopefully that will put an end to the crazy baking and I can go back to just enjoying my lovable passion for the little cakes. Though I will do my very best to improvise and recreate the yummy treat, I first need to come to terms with the simple fact that some things never stay the same.

15 July 2007

I'm Not Your Mom

The past two weeks or so, an important ex-flame, the ever-present DXB, and two crushes crawled out of the woodwork. Though surely just a fluke (god, I hope so), it's given me the opportunity to reflect on why I haven't had much luck as of late in finding a good, relatively normal, very decent man with whom I can spend a bit of priceless quality time.

And I think I found my answer. It can be summed up so easily: The men I tend to date- many of them- have mother issues. They either have controlling moms or needy moms or moms that were never a part of their lives. Moms who love me too much or- more often than not- moms who think I am a bad influence on their baby (man, how is that possible? They don't even know their own son...). They either want to rebel against their mom, or make their mom very happy. Essentially, I am either the punishment or the prize.

In turn, these well-meaning, good-intentioned men (for all intents and purposes) have a little too much of their moms in them. Whether it's passive-aggressive behavior, too verbose conversations, general game-playing of an ilk with which I am not even familiar (but which is often associated with my gender), running from the slightest hint of commitment or running towards it full steam ahead, over-analyzing every god forsaken conversation or action, or- yes, I am really going to go there- cuddling far too much (please, please, please give me my personal space when I am sleeping!)...I want to scream, ""I'M the woman in this relationship. Man up!"

And there you have it. My problem. I can bend, but not that far. I don't want to be especially maternal to an adult man. I am not the Mom here. I am the one who your mother loves too much or not enough. I am the one that is judged by moms. I am not the one with whom you should displace anger or angst. I am not the one to punish you for years of bad behavior towards the woman who gave birth to you or the one you use to punish her for years of overbearing behavior. Your mother has no place in our relationship. Not until you put a ring on my finger and she is now my cross to bear as well.

And this is one of the big-big reasons I am perpetually single. A momma's boy in a tough boy's skin... A manly man whose mother emotionally broke him... An apathetic, emotionally starved guy... The men who are drawn to me are broken. They require something they think I have to fix them. Or that maybe by dating me they will become automatically whole again. I don't know why they are under this incredibly incorrect assumption, but they are. I'm good, but I'm not that good.

No one is perfect. We all come with some baggage. Just not as much as the yahoos that like me. I'm fairly convinced all of the good, relatively normal, I-have-problems-but-can-deal-with-them-just-fine-because-they're-ones-we-all-have-and-it's-not-all-my-mom's-fault-and-you-don't-need-to-replace/fix/be-her men are taken. Or complaining about women with father issues. That's possible, too. Maybe we all need to make concessions...or just trudge on, confident there are many more someones out there for us.

10 July 2007

To Each Their Own

I'm not quite sure who would want Tori Spelling to officiate their wedding,but apparently that person is in luck.

Just Like Danny Deckchair

Saw this and couldn't help but think of the Aussie flick.

09 July 2007

The 80's Movie That Makes Me Cry

So tonight I was watching "She's Having a Baby," that great John Hughes flick starring Kevin Bacon and Elizabeth McGovern (whatever happened to her, anyway?). I love it for its Chicago link and the ultimate 80's everything that runs through it. I've seen it more times than I can count, and I always cry at the same place each time. The first strains of "This Woman's Work" plays and Kate Bush starts singing and I am a teary mess. And an amazingly young Kevin Bacon shedding a tear? Just moves me to pieces.

Ok, so I'm PMS'd and could probably tear up over just about anything today. But there's also something about cheesey 80's movies that holds a special little place in my heart.

Good for the Head

This is promising news. Leave it to the fine folks of Switzerland to commericalize this pioneering new treatment.

08 July 2007

Summer Pub Crawl 2007: Recap

Boozapalooza was a hot, sticky affair thanks to Chicago's lovely summer weather. Our party came near to wilting in the oppresive humidity but we soldiered on, hitting all of the designated pre-dinner bars, filling up with cool libations and then sweating them out as we trudged to the next establishment. We no doubt looked a sticky, sorry sight. But at least we all looked it.

Chicago's German staple for schnitzel, sausages, and sauerkraut--and that gigantic boot of beer--was a fine spot for dinner and dancing with German ex-pats to the musical stylings of the resident oompah band, and then it would have been off to Carol's for some end-of-the-night trolling-of-sleazy-bars--except Carol's was closed. Just as well since sleazy wasn't my thing last night. A bunch of us chose Huettenbar across the street as the location for our nightcap, and a fine place it was for an end to a fine day.

The festivities were really quite fun and made me realize just how much I enjoy this group of friends. Such a lucky girl am I. I can only hope there will be many more enjoyable group outings before CC moves back east and takes her party planning with her.

07 July 2007

Sundry Items from the Week

Job Losses and Promotions: That's the way the cookie crumbles

* This week the revolving door twirled on, taking with it our amazingly organized and insightful Operations Manager. I'm not really sure why.

* Our marketing coordinator was promoted to marketing manager. No one is quite certain- herself included- what her new job responsibilities will be since she's not really doing anything manager-worthy, but I'm sure that will all be sorted out. She's a bright girl and I like her a lot so I'm trying not to listen to the rumors about her simply complaining about her job and therefore getting promoted.

* Because of my years of loyal service (all three and counting), I was given a title change--to Senior Marketing Manager. Though I think it's well-deserved (and a long time coming), I am well aware this change was made only because a 23-year-old was about to be made my equal and that wouldn't fly in our company our with any of our partners.

Medical Insurance 101

I decided to break up with my old doctor and find a new one. Michele and I had been seeing each other for 12 years. Sometimes change is good. Plus, I didn't feel like driving into Oak Park every time I needed to see her. I decided to pseudo-cheat on her, trying out a new doctor before I ended things for good.

I'm happy I chose to take this path because things went horribly wrong. Months ago, I had checked on the Blue Cross Blue Shield web site to see if the doctor recommendation a friend had given was under my insurance. It was. Score! I called to make an appointment--and double-checked again at that point, verifying they accepted my insurance. Oh yes, MoC, of course. Wonderful! I arrived on Monday eager to meet someone who was about the see a lot of me.

This is where things go horribly wrong. As I am completing the copious new patient forms, the receptionist is supposed to be making copies of my insurance card. For the first 15 minutes, she's gossiping with co-workers and then decides to even look at my card. At which point she barks my name, and up I go to chat with Ms. Snottypants.

Ms. S: Ummm, we have a problem.

MoC: Ok...

Ms. S [throwing insurance card]: We don't accept this insurance.

MoC: Well, the BSBC web site sure says you do. And I double-checked when I made my appointment.

Ms. S: You couldn't have. We haven't accepted this insurance for, like, 3 years.

MoC: For "like" 3 years for 3 years? And either way, I know what I saw online and what the answer was when I asked three months ago.

Ms. S: Well, I don't know what you want me to tell you. I just know we do not accept this insurance...But, if you'd like to still see the doctor, that's fine. But you need to pay out of pocket.

At which point I politely thank her for wasting my time, collected my belongings and left. She can do what she wishes with my half-completed medical history.

Once in the parking garage, I dialed Michele and made an appointment with the lovely ladies that work the reception desk there. Sometimes change isn't all it's cracked up to be. That drive to Oak Park might be worth it after all.

Acquaintance Overload

A couple weeks ago, a former friend/current acquaintance IM'd me at work and asked if I'd like to do lunch. It was her last day before going on maternity leave and I felt bad that I had plans...but not too bad because she's one of those people that once you get past pleasantries there is nothing to talk about. I declined but told her that once she'd had the baby, I'd grab my best friend (and her good friend) and come over with lunch so we could catch up and see the baby. Seemed fair enough. I mentioned this to J and she was cool with it, too. We still had weeks, I figured, before she would want to see us.

Wrong. J called me and asked if I'd like to meet her and Former Friend for a casual dinner. Though seeing Former Friend wasn't my idea of a great night out, it was close to my house so why not? I wish wish wish I would've come up with a why not! It was a miserable experience. Former Friend is a miserable person! J and I arrived around the same time and Former Friend flagged us down as she was stuffing salad and soup into her mouth. With roughage still in her mouth, she urged us to sit down and said something about her thinking we wouldn't be eating so she had ordered. What?!?! She was snotty and rude and just all wrong through the entire meal. When she called her husband to come collect her, I said a silent thank-you to my guardian angel who was probably crying in pain as well. When Former Friend took leave of the restaurant, I made sure J knew that that would never be happening again. Somehow, I think I am still roped into going to Former Friend's house for the baby-viewing and lunch-bringing. Damn.

One Person's Trash is Another's Prize

I have had a floor lamp sitting in my living room since the day I moved in. Why Titterton left it is beyond me, and it pissed me off for the first three months...at which point I lost the desire to talk about it or any energy to actually dispose of it. So for over a year, this thing has literally just stood on the fringe of my living room collecting dust. A few days ago, Rafferty was telling me about how a former co-worker of mine (who still works with her) has a habit of walking around the stock room or empty cubes at work looking for freebies addressed to people who are no longer with the company (I bet I still get some good stuff. I should really look into having her forward those to me). The basic gist of the story was G would collect anything and swear she needs it so long as it's free.

As Rafferty said, "You could tell the office, 'I have a can. Who wants a can?' And she would be the first person running up to you, 'Me! I need a can!'" So that's where I got the idea that I could unload the lamp on G. Not that she's a charity case. Because she's not. She just likes free stuff. Anything free. She's young, newly married, and trying to furnish a new apartment. I looked at this as a complete service. So I took a picture of the lamp and emailed G and sure enough she jumped on it. She swung by after work and I gave her the lamp and she took two books I was planning on giving to a used book store. She can do whatever she wants to with the lamp. No returns on that one! She helped me out, the sweet thing! Love it.

My Gladware

What is it with people thinking that Gladware brought to their parties are theirs to keep? The stuff in the Gladware is yours; not the containers themselves. Geesh! If I had a dime for every stolen container, I'd have enough to buy a whole new set of varying sizes. The long 4th of July holiday has seen the loss of two of my containers. I'm not made of money, folks. A girl needs a few plastic containers to call her own. Geesh...

Coming up: Weekend Pub Crawl

Today we're celebrating CC's husband's birthday. She always does it up big. This year she carefully mapped out fun bars with healthy time periods, christened it Boozapalooza, and encouraged all of us to eat a good breakfast. Though I doubt very much I'll be making it for the 12:30 start, my goal is to make it to The Globe and the gin mills thereafter, leading us to the Brauhaus and corresponding after-Schnitzel watering holes.

In interesting pub crawl news, FTF claims to have never been on one. WTF?!?! True? How is it possible to live in Milwaukee and never go on a pub crawl? I know that, after this revelation, he was expecting a generous invitation to today's festivities. I just couldn't bring myself to extend one. Pub crawl recap to follow.

01 July 2007

Good Night?

You know it must've been a fun (or funny) night when the last thing you can remember vividly was a little after midnight-- and you know for a fact you didn't hop into bed until 2:30 am.

When you vaguely remember falling down a (small) hill and laughing your ass off because you can't get up, you know it was damn interesting.

When you wake up with a fuzzy mind, a sore knee, and a sick tummy, you know you're getting way too old for hard nights (thank god they're in moderation!)

When you know you weren't the only one feeling like crap the next morning, you know it was a Friday night out with the Chicago Crew.

All of this- and a raging hangover that lasted all of Saturday morning- over a party I didn't even want to go to in the first place. Luckily, I had a good designated driver. Now if only she could fill in the blanks about my conversation with The Crush, most of the gaps for the evening will all have been relatively filled. Unfortunately, seeing as she wasn't there for most of it, I just have to believe it was our everyday normal, playful banter--and nothing more than a kiss good-bye.

Looks as though I need to re-evaluate my cocktail strategy in a jiffy as we have a big pub crawl coming up. Luckily, there won't be any hills down which to stumble, but the same cast of characters will be present and I'm hoping to stumble away with my memory intact on that one. I predict that party will be far more memorable than Friday night's bash.