Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

10 December 2006

Holiday Progress

In one week, I've managed to make myself proud.

* Christmas cards completed and mailed. Check.
* Christmas shopping started -- and 50% done. Check.
* More decorations added to the abode. Check.
* Christmas music playing at all times and my desire for Band-Aid to regroup at full-hilt. Check (and check).

Still to be done:
* The remainder of the Christmas shopping. Of course, I left the harder gifts for last. One always needs a challenge.

* The Christmas Cookie Factory (i.e. me and my kitchen) needs to open. I have a long list of cookies and bars and candy to be made and the available days (and money for supplies) is dwindling.

* Wrapping of gifts. This takes way too long because I suck at wrapping.

Things I love to do that I will sadly not have time for:
* Chicago's version of the Christkindl Markets, taking place in Daly Plaza. Ah, to freeze my butt off while sipping the sickeningly sweet and intoxicating gluhwein.

* Huddling with the all the suburbanites outside the windows on State Street. I couldn't even tell you what the theme for the windows are. And is Macy's up to par with the late, great Fields window displays?

Something I have never done (or seen until last night) but was literally laughed at for perhaps living in a box:
*Caroling. Honestly, I thought it was something that only happened in holiday movies. And now I feel as though the Young Me truly missed out on something

Christmas cheer is topping up at a great rate of speed, and I'm beginning to look forward to being complete with all necessary tasks so I revel in all things holiday-esque, including watching holiday movies non-stop and enjoying countless holiday get-togethers with good friends and many laughs.

I *heart* this time of year!


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