Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

31 January 2008

Nothing Like Being Prepared

Dear Suburban Town I Call Home:

The news has been reporting today's storm for over a week. There should have been no surprise that we got the amount of snow that we did. So how is it possible that not one plow has been out? Not one ounce of salt thrown on the ground? Not one train platform cleared?

I understand it's cold and quite a mess and the last thing anyone wants to do is go out in this crap, but as a taxpayer I am really quite fed up with all of this. It's not as though this is the first time you have stuck it to us town citizens and I highly doubt it'll be the last.

Thanks and all,


Dear Management Company:

I pay association fees so little things like snow removal are taken care of during these crazy winter months. Since you have not removed the snow, not one little shovel-full, in an expedient fashion--today and any other day that dumps more than an inch of snow on the ground--please advise if you will mind so very much if I keep that $200 a month and put it to better use.

Because really? I do mind so very much that you're taking my money and giving me nothing in return.

Bitterly (cold / yours),


I'm hoping the upshot of trudging through today's mountain of snow is that my thighs and ass appreciate the impromptu workout.

I am also considering hiring some neighbor boy(s) to shovel. I think the meth house out back has several (able-bodied?) men who may be in the market for some day work. My association fee money in action.


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