Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

10 December 2006

Saturday Stuff

For the first weekend in I don't know how long, I had the opportunity to get a jump start on some secondary errand items -- most especially getting my world map framed. I knew custom frames were expensive, but this literally knocked the wind out of me. If I really knew years ago how lucrative the framing business could be, I would've learned enough to get by and opened up my own shop. Unfreakingbelievable.


Since I've done the bare minimum in the way of bringing holiday decorations to my abode, I took great joy at going to the 'rents house today to help them decorate. As a reward for my hard work, Mom unloaded a fair amount of Christmasy stuff on me including a nativity set, plenty of Christmas candles and holders, some holiday dish towels and oven mitts, and various and sundry other home items. Happy indeed.


Finally started my Christmas shopping. Jumped in, both feet forward, and it was fairly painless. Now that I've started I feel compelled to finish soon. Tomorrow would be nice, but realistically I'll settle for next Saturday.


J and I went to go see Bobby tonight. Though there were some characters/story lines that seemed silly, trite, and generally pointless, it was easy to turn a blind eye to it when everything else was so well done. It was truly an important movie and got us both to thinking: Bobby Kennedy's assassination- along with other events from that time period (e.g. MLK's assassination, et al)- truly marked an end to an era. Never again have American's truly rallied the way they did for political hopefuls or current event issues- political, economic, ecological, humanitarian, etc. Why? What changed? Why is our country becoming more apathetic as the years go by yet the whining and complaining has increased ten-fold? Why is it that few people have the passion that many people back then naturally exuded? And further, what if JFK or RFK had lived? How would our world have changed? Would things really be all that different than they are today? Thought-provoking, non?


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