Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

05 March 2008

MORE Taxes (So THIS is where my money goes)

Last week, Cook County Board President Todd Stroger, to prove he is even more of a moron than most of us already think, passed a sales tax increase that hikes our county's sales tax to one of (if not the) highest in the nation. When the news came down, I immediately considered my options: pay money for nothing aside from an extra dose of frustration on every single transaction made at work and home...or, start running errands in a neighboring county. It'd be a little out of my way, but if I did it all in one fell swoop, how inconvenient could it be? Grocery shopping, gas, dry cleaning... But now there's an even better idea: Convince my town to secede from the county. Personally, it'd be more convenient for me. But on the off-chance it doesn't happen (and really, the chances are all but nil), I should probably become accustomed to finding new stores just over the county border or suck it up and dish out a lot of extra cash per year. Stupid sales tax increase with a looming recession before us and no cost of living pay adjustments. Just outright dumb.


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