Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

10 December 2006

Anger Isn't an Excuse

Friday afternoon, a crazed man overtook the Citibank building downtown and wreaked havoc not only on the afternoon work hours for many, many floors of office workers, but also for many, many hundreds of commuters going through Ogilvy (my train station). It was a scary several hours--knowing that that the building was evacuated and some people were being held in their offices by a gunman just blocks from where I work. It was a horrible, sad day for the shooting victims--innocent lives lost because one man was angry, disgruntled, and thought shooting up people in suits whose company supposedly wronged him and his invention was a good idea.

Everyone gets angry--really, really angry. Why oh why did this man have to resort to violence? Didn't he know that these things never end well? Was it worth giving up his life just so he could rage and kill people and injure others and scare many?

The entire thing made me angry, sad, faithless as it unraveled, and as the weekend goes on and more news comes out, I only get angrier. Innocent lives lost...and over what? A patent dispute? Puh-leese. What...WHAT...is our world coming to?


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