Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

26 December 2006

Post-Christmas Relaxation

Christmas has come and gone and I have survived once again, despite severe lack of sleep, nutrition, and sanity. All my baking was done in barely the nick of time (we're talking up to Christmas Eve at 4pm); present-wrapping went smoother than any other year even though I was more rushed than ever before (all done in 1 hour, which is a true feat for me); and, I still managed to say yes to almost every single invitation for a holiday gathering (sorry, VN, for not making it by Saturday. I was already double-booked and managed to sort that out, but I can't work miracles beyond that). The only thing I really wanted to do but didn't have time for was holiday movie-watching. No "Elf." No "A Christmas Story" all the way through (depsite TBS' 24 hours worth of air time). Not even "It's A Wonderful Life" or "Miracle on 34th Street." I know. Major tragedy.

Now I'm left to reflect on where the year went...because 2006 has flown by. It's hard to believe I have only 3 work days left of the year. Only 5 more days period making up this beautiful year. It just goes by too fast.

Because this is the time of year when my pensive streak goes into overdrive and sentimentality overwhelms me, the remaining posts for the week will detail MoC's Best and Worst of 2006. And yes, this is also because it is bound to be a slow week. You got me.


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