Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

07 December 2006

Thursday Musings

Let there be heat. The H&C guy came right at 8 (even a little before, giving me renewed faith in the service industry) and set about rolling up his sleeves and fixing the problem. Which, as it turned out, is not an association liability but my own. After the heat was manually turned on ("Don't do this yourself," I was told. No crap. Really?) and the thermostat yanked off the wall, there was much fiddling and faddling and then I was told the following simple statement: "Your thermostat is broken."

There were two choices:
(1) Leave the thermostat off the wall but connected by two little wires, where at this odd position it was somehow working (but not when neatly placed back on the wall, thingamabobs unexposed).
(2) Get a new thermostat.

The solution seemed obvious to me. $102 later. Because the problem was with the thermostat (a fixture in my my abode) and not with the actual heat (an association issue). It seems a small price to pay not to grow icicles.


Oooohhh...Sparkles. Walking home from the train tonight, I couldn't help but put the fact that I couldn't feel my lower extremities out of my mind as I was dazzled by the pretty lights in my downtown. There's something about the twinkling lights against the dizzyingly black as pitch sky and crisp air that made me just sigh in contentment. As much as I detest cold weather, I can give it a break during this time of year.


Oh, Augusten. I want him to be my gay boyfriend.

Really. How fun would that be?

Weirdness Holiday Style. The holidays do something weird to people who are not entirely jolly the other 11 months of the year. The people I know turn (gasp!) nice...tender...sentimental...not themselves...strange...weird...sometimes scary [in this weird, not themselves sort of way]. DXB is one of those casualities. Though I can usually time his calls down to the week (he is nothing if not predictable), his steady calls become progressively frequent the closer we get to Jesus' birthday. This has nothing to do with him getting in touch with Jesus. It has to do with him getting swept up with holiday spirit. Missing being part of a couple (the other half of whom treated the entire holiday season like the biggest bash ever, did it up with immense style, and gave fantastical prezzies...umm, yeah, that would be me); lusting for a little togetherness; yearning for that safe, warm-fuzzy feeling. Having been broken up for a few Christmas seasons now, I knew the time would be coming when the calls began with a bit more gusto. And today was the advent to that time period. If memory serves, this should continue through the first week of January, at which point he will go back to his standard call pattern. In the meantime, happy Christmas season, DXB! I promise to pick up next time.


My new fascination...

I can't help it.


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