Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

05 December 2006

Lint Traps and More Crap

Randomness from today:

My cold is better. At least I can breathe. It's now entirely in my chest and I sound just lovely. But I feel better, I swear.


Was finally up to tackling the mounds of laundry waiting for me. And honestly, why can't people clean lint traps? I feel like I am a one woman lint trap cleaning machine! I need to find a way to fine the other residents of this complex.


The heat in this building is so goofy. I have yet to figure it out, and now would be a fine time to start what with it being 27 degrees out. Normally quite comfortable despite the cold weather, my unit didn't have the radiators go on until over the weekend. This may seem strange (I thought so), but spoke with some friends about it and they have experienced the same thing in their past condo living experiences. Apparently, so long as heat rises and my place stays toasty warm, that's all that matters. Over the weekend, when a slight chill set in, I bumped up the thermostat and the heat clinked on. Literally clinked and clanked and made quite the racket and wouldn't you know there was heat. Until yesterday, when suddenly nothing came on. And now the temp seem to be dropping in here and the thermostat is up as high as it will go and the radiators are cold to the touch. I swear, if there is no clinking and clanking tonight, that association is going to get an earful tomorrow! Lucky for them, I like sleeping in cool temps.


Sweet Southsider from work was my walk-to-the-train companion this evening. She is honestly one of the sweetest, thoughtful, giving people I know. She is also the biggest talker ever. In a 10 minute walk, I don't think I managed to get in more than 5 words. Which is fine because it was so cold and we were walking so fast and I was coughing like crazy that I couldn't have kept up my end of the conversation even if I wanted to.


20 days 'til Christmas. Still no shopping done (or started for that matter). Still no cards written. Still no baking done. But I did DVR some Christmas specials, which will top up the Christmas spirit just as soon as I get around to watching them. First holiday party of the season is Friday night. This should also get the holiday spirit really flowing.


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