Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

25 July 2007

This Is Our Future?

It's not news to me that today's young celebs aren't instilling much hope for the future. But when is the bad behavior going to end?

First, Lindsay falls off the wagon and then lies poorly when caught. Then, Britney proves that she is exactly the trash we thought she was all along.

When is someone going to shake these girls and explain to them that what they're doing is unattrative, humiliating, and fodder for so many people to drag their already tattered name through the mud?

Through every disgraceful act, they beg for privacy. They should stop doing such mind-blowingly stupid things- at least out of the public eye- and maybe then they'd get the privacy they'd like.

In the meantime, I'm convinced these are big signs the herd needs to be thinned.


  • When, indeed, will Britney, Paris and LiLo implode? I keep waiting for the pendulum to swing back somewhere toward poise and good decisions. It has to, right?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 5:13 PM  

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