Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

05 August 2006

Drinking Like an Adult

A friend who happens to be a karaoke nut was hosting a show last night at a little townie bar in Jeff Park. Rafferty and I, plus a few other friends, met up to laugh, sing shockingly awful songs (on purpose), and laugh some more. Of course, in the mean time, many drinks were imbibed. Because you need to drink a lot in order to spend that many hours in that particular bar with many of the particular bar's patrons, playing/singing along to really bad karaoke. With that said, it was a riot and good fun.

As the evening wore on, Rafferty and I decided it was time to make our exit. Because today is pool day and we can't ruin that. As we were saying our good-byes, Rafferty noticed that a friend of hers from her gym who had come out upon the request of Rafferty was really, really drunk. Like, making-no-sense-and-propped-against-the-bar-so-she-doesn't-fall-over-drunk. My first thought was, how did she get this way? She seemed just fine an hour ago when she was obsessing about whether or not she should sing (I didn't really care whether she did or not; I just wanted her to stop talking). Apparently, this girl just kept sucking down her rum and cokes and was now severly obliterated.

Rafferty looked at me, at her gym friend, back at me and said, "MoC, I'm hungry and we're going for food." Since I'd grabbed a ride to the bar with her, I had no choice but to join the food parade, which was a big, obvious effort to sober up Gym Friend so she wouldn't toss her cookies anywhere near us. As it turned out, the diner event annoyed me immensely and sobered me up to a sickening level. Because now all of Gym Friend's "yo's" and "you hear me, girl's" were just killing me.

So the pancakes the Gym Friend shoveled into her mouth didn't do anything for this girl, and Rafferty apparently felt responsible for her. Bear in mind, I did not. Rafferty is a good-hearted person and a kind soul, and in her desire to get home she had no choice but to suggest that the Really Drunk Gym Friend stay at her house. You may wonder how or why this affected me, and here it comes: I was tasked with driving Drunk Gym Girl's car back to Rafferty's house. Really, quite the last thing I wanted to do at 3am. But I tend to find myself doing things like this (you know, responsible-like stuff) every now and again now that I am well past the Let's Pretend We're Still in College stage of life.

We all made it back in one piece. Drunk Gym Friend's car is safely with her. I am home and worrying about calling over to Rafferty's and having Drunk Gym Friend- who is now likely Hungover Gym Friend- still be there and infringe on our pool day. Because I don't think I can take one more "yo" from her. I don't want to be a responsible adult today. I want to just sit and lounge and read and nap and not care.


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