Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

09 July 2006

Hello...This is My Past Catching up with Me

Everyone has someone or thing that no matter how hard you try to shake it keeps coming back like a bad rash.

My bad rash is my ex. The one that shows up in the oddest of places at the oddest of times. The one that will occasionally try to spark up conversation every year or so just because. The one that just reecently got married.

I have an email account I rarely check, although three years ago I used it more frequently, and during our first "re-connection" it was the only email address I gave him. It remains the only one he has. I check the account once every few months to retrieve Snapfish deals and clean out spam. I checked it yesterday, and there was an email from him, almost one month old.

Apparently, he had spotted me consuming some libations outside Cactus in mid-June. The bar always reminds me of when he and I first started dating. He worked for a trading firm and I would occasionally go down and meet him and his buddies there.

Him being him, Ex went home and sent a detailed email to me asking if it was indeed me he spied knocking back a few cold ones. Surely, he knew it was, otherwise he wouldn't have sent the email. Just an excuse to reconnect. After all, it's been a year since the last bit of correspondence.

Me being friendly, I responded back that indeed it was and next time, rather than hustle home and send an email, he should wave or stop to say hi. Me thinks he took this as an open invitation to continue correspondence, which I suppose in theory is fine. Catching up is always fun. Of course, I had to share the news with CC, who thinks his popping uip unexpectedly is good fun. She concurs that he is indeed my bad rash.

I am long, long over him and hold no grudges against him. I actually thought he was smart and witty and fun. He was also immature and a fool. I always think I have tucked him away into my past. Ours is a long and storied one. And just when I think he is a roller-coaster-of-emotions memory, he appears again.

Life is funny sometimes.


  • Gotta love finding out an ex got married (or even an ex-girlfriend, which happened to me). Glad you're over him though...now you can scratch the rash away once and for all!

    By Blogger RockerMom, at 8:46 PM  

  • Ah, if only that were true. Like a bad rash, he will keep coming back, if only to chat. Being over him is great because there is no yearning involved. However, I can pretty much guarantee he will always be keeping tabs on me, if only a little. Slightly endearing? Maybe. Sometimes bothersome or exasperating? More often than not.

    By Blogger mistressofchange, at 9:10 PM  

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