Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

10 July 2006

Mr. Right, Do I Know You?

So I just finished this book on the train home from work. I adored every minute of it. I can't say enough good things about. It's the perfect summer read.

It also made me think: If there is (at least one) someone out there for everyone, do I already know my Mr. Right? And if I do, I hope I haven't been too rude, callous, or mean to him. I hope he hasn't seen me at my prissiest, but I also hope he has laughed with me when I have been at my worst or silliest or strangest.

Truthfully, the story is just a story. A believable one at that, but one that definitely got me thinking. And the more I thought, the more my mind went to that little marriage pact I made with one of my good friends in this crazy moment of weakness. And how maybe there was a little more than just goofiness behind it.

But seeing as I don't believe in reading too much into anything, and being that I don't believe in marriage pacts as anything more than two friends admitting they love each others good qualities and hold them up as the ideal, the standard for which they are holding for their future mate... well, it just made me think of S and miss him -- not in that romantic sort of way because that was some weird fleeting moment in college, but in this he is just a deliciously hot fantabulous man who happens to be my good friend sort of way.

Anyway, if my Mr. Right (or Right Now?) is out there and I do know him, I hope he has grown to accept my love of reality TV, all things plaid (it will never go away), voracious appetite for travel, and mind-in-the-gutter thinking.


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