Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

11 July 2006

Countdown to Domesticity

I'm doing a little better on the domestic front. I've managed to cook for myself at least once a week (all other times consist of salad, which is not really cooking so much has chopping), have entertained a handful of times (more use of social skills and uncorking wine bottles than using domestic skills), and have cleaned regularly enough (easy when there aren't a houseful of rooms). However, I would hardly consider myself a domestic goddess by any means. Sure, I know mine is in there somewhere, but it rarely gets the call to throw on it's chef's hat and house-frau attire to come out and play.

Until a few days ago.

I've officially sent the note to my inner domestic goddess that she'll finally be called into the game in a few short days. Diva Niece turns one next week (soooo hard to believe), and SIL is throwing a big bash this Saturday. So naturally, I asked what I could bring.

I asked because I tuly want to help out. But let's face it, 97.5% of the time, the host/hostess thanks you for the kind thoughts but claims to have it all covered. And then you bring a little something and are done. So, I threw out a few suggestions- cookies in the shape of a "1", an appetizer, a side dish, perhaps- and her response, was, "Sure, that'd be great."

Me: To which?

SIL: Which what?

Me: Which item?

SIL: Oh, they all sound good. Do all.

Hmmm... All. This was definitely not what I expected.

Because of the great breadth of food stuffs to buy and things to make, I took Friday off. There is no way it would all get done otherwise.

Tonight I surveyed my galley kitchen. It's hurting for counter tops. I have a few ideas on how to maximize the space to fit my prepping/cooking/baking needs, but I'm fairly certain that the kitchen will be a disaster area come Saturday morning. There is also the possibility that the dining room will be a casuality of this project as well.

I also need to find time to buy Diva Niece the perfect gift. I have a bunch of ideas, but I keep forgetting she's only turning 1 and is just now getting the hang of those chubby little legs taking her places. For as many good ideas as I have, they might be better for Christmas or her next birthday. I usually pride myself on getting her the most perfect thing. She'll never know or remember what I get her, but when she's my age I want her to look back at those baby pictures and say, "Boy my Aunt is fab now, but she was really awesome when I was 1." (Or something to that effect)

I'm letting myself down. I'm a great Aunt. I'm a fun person. But I'll be honest, I have no clue what to get a 1-year-old girl. Any suggestions before I drive myself batty?


  • I am a mother of four once one year olds. Here's what you do....buy a few tactile, cheap toys: gigantic coosh balls, rubber bouncy balls that light up, disco rubber ducks. The cheaper, chewier and tackier and rubberier the better. Then you march yourself over to B&N and pick out one or two of the most lovely picture books you can find. Books that you remember from your childhood are great. Then you go home, take the time to write a wonderful inscription about how much you love her and how proud you are of her one year accomplishments. And the book goes on the shelf for a year or two, which in the mean time you've added a few more for xmas and the next birthday, and by the time Diva Niece can read she has her own very special library from her best auntie. My sister did this for my kids and they LOVE it. Reading the inscriptions is as important as the books to them, and they will keep those books forever, I promise.

    By Blogger Elle Starr, at 12:14 PM  

  • This is a fantastic idea, Elle! I love it!

    By Blogger mistressofchange, at 2:52 PM  

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