Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

09 August 2006

Boys Will Always Be Boys

The FTF is the epitome of the average 30-something single man. He enjoys after-work cocktails with co-workers often, manages sweet seats at all Midwest sporting events, owns his own home and works hard for the money spent on mortgage and recreational drinking and entertainment...and when he's out with the guys, will revert back to college antics.

This well understood, I knew things would become...interesting...when his Smooth Ex-CoWorker became his Current Smooth CoWorker in April. Now, sitting by his side on a daily basis, was the one man that has played the role of big brother, fraternity president, coaxer of all, and egg-er on-ner of most all rolled into one. In other words: sweet, wonderful, playful FTF would undoubtedly morph into sweet, wonderful(ly annoying at times), playful (like an amusement park), devilish man about town. FTF can usually contain his antics and knows the fine line between silly fun and pure annoyance with me.

Having met Smooth CoWorker, I understand how easy it is to both like and be repelled by him -- and all the while still walk away thinking, "That was fun. He is fun."

With FTF being suspiciously quiet the past couple weeks, I knew something was brewing. Smooth CoWorker loves the relationship FTF and I have together (pure, unadulterated jealousy), and he enjoys looping me into some of his grander antics. It all began yesterday with abundant annoying calls followed by even more frequent and outlandish emails. At first it was mildly amusing, peaking at an outright laugh or two, quickly followed by a severe dip in humor. By 8:30 tonight, I was grumbling, "Friggin' juvenile 30-somethings" every time the phone rang.

FTF knows my displeasure and likely knows Smooth CoWorker has pushed all of my buttons (including a few I never even knew I had). FTF, always looking for a way to stay away from the Wrath of MoC (smart boy), has wisely disengaged himself from the "fun" while chuckling wanly on the sidelines. This has not deterred Smooth CoWorker.

Since I expect this from the two of them when they spend too much time together, I have decided to beat Smooth CoWorker at his own game. This, coupled with killing him with kindness, has already turned the tables.

In the meantime, I'm slightly disappointed in FTF. Why this time around? There's fun and games and then there's this new level Smooth CoWorker always takes things to, and I keep thinking, I don't want to be the fun-squelcher, but can't you please grow up a little?

Looking ahead, FTF and I have a penchant for Labor Day get-togethers, and this year should be no different. However, I can't help but think how unattractive all of this is. There's either going to be a huge amount of forgiveness fun, or he's going to be working hard to crawl back into my bed.


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