Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

04 July 2006

Lamp Shades for Dummies

Anyone who visited my apartment in Oak Park 8 years ago knows I had the most fantastic lamps. Chrome and squiggly with bright white shades that had chrome at the top and bottom. They were sharp.

Several moves and room-mates later, the lamps were in storage but not forgotten. I looked forward to the day when I would be able to place them on my end tables and admire them. The day before the movers came a couple months ago, I dragged the lamps out of the storage room I had been using at the 'rents house and then went in search of the accompanying shades. I had wrapped them lovingly and was looking forward to gingerly unwrapping them and placing them atop the lovely bases once the move was complete.

Said lovingly wrapped shades turned out to be not only terribly dusty and a tad dirty, but there were these awful rust-colored stains all over what once was bright white covering. Ach! How did this happen!? I can't even begin to imagine, and I cannot quite explain how my heart broke over this.

I tried and tried to clean these and nothing worked. They can't even be re-covered or restored in any way. I tossed them both, and decided that I would just have to search for the perfect (new) shades. In the meantime, the lamps are naked and ugly.

My search took me just about everywhere and I was beyond discouraged when I found some lovely linen shades for a reasonable price at Linens 'n Things. I snatched them up, unwrapped one today, and went to place it on the lamp when...oops...Damn. Thing. Won't. Fit. Argh...

Turns out these lamps are...different...as in, your average shade will not fit on the base. Who knew? I mean, I guess I just operated under the misguided notion that lamp shades and your average lamp are entirely compatible. But apparently this is not the case. As evidenced by the fact that I now own two lovely linen lamp shades that have nowhere to rest. Which means not only do I have to return them (and I so hate returning things), but I also need to find the "right" kind of lamp shade. Which is going to make this little search of mine doubly difficult. Leave it to me to have issues with lamp shades.

As with most things in my life, nothing is average and nothing is easy.

And so the hunt goes on...


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