Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

25 June 2006

Kiddie Pools for the Kid in All of Us

I am a sun goddess. There's nothing I enjoy more on a sunny weekend day than laying out and catching some rays. Rafferty enjoys this just as much as I do, which is why- way back when we rented that house- we had the brilliant idea to buy a kiddie pool. Not one of those tiny hard plastic jobs, but the big inflatable ones. The Family Swim Center. We had a nice little yard that got a good deal of sun and there were privacy fences on all sides. I'm sure we looked a little strange, two grown women each taking a corner and lounging, tray tables by our side containing beverages and pool snacks and our trashy magazines and novels. But what did we care? We not only got sun but kept cool at the same time.

We continued this tradition for many years, breaking only during those times when neither of us had a backyard. When she moved from her last apartment, she had two requirements for the new place: (1) Must allow dogs; (2) Must have backyard for the pool. She found just that 3 years ago, and she's not leaving anytime soon.

This year, due to my travels and hers, we were a little late in acquiring said Family Swim Center. The end of June has come upon us so quickly! Finally, for the first sunny, warm, free weekend for the both of us, we decided to run out and by Kiddie Pool 2006. The idea itself seemed pretty easy. Run into select store, purchase, go back and blow up (we invested in the automatic air pump specifically for pools and our annual activity; and, one of the best investments we've ever made, I dare say), hop in and start catching rays. Easier planned than executed.

Our first stop yesterday was Aldi. We had a lot of luck there last summer, so we thought we'd make that stop #1. No luck. Not a pool to be found.

Next up: K-Mart. This time, we had trouble finding the pool section. Nothing in the seasonal section and nothing near the life vests. Off we went to the customer service desk, where were assisted by a woman who looked like she had burnt Cheetos for bangs. When asked if she could direct us to the inflatable kiddie pools, she said, "I don't know where no pools are, do you?"

(A) No, I don't know where no pools are. That's why I'm asking you.
(B) Nice grammar. Go back to school.

This proved fruitless. Her supervisor directed us to the aisle and all we found were some noodles and the big industrial pools. I still think those might be more up our alley one day, but they require too much upkeep realistically.

Off we went to Target, next on our list. Can you believe that they're all out?!? Only the small round ones. A complete last resort for us.

The search continued with Wal-Mart. Nothing.

Menards. Nothing.

We kept driving and driving, thinking we may stumble upon a Toys 'R Us, the only other olption we might have. And then we saw another Target. We figured, what the heck. The Target in our town was all out of the ones we wanted, but maybe this one would have more of a selection.

And sure enough...there it was...the last one. I snatched it up and I swear I would've fought someone for it. It was on sale, which was a nice perk to acquiring it this late in the season, but I think Rafferty and I both learned a valuable lesson. I don't care if I have to pay extra to get this in April. Never, ever wait until the start of summer to get your kiddie pool.

To think, we wasted 2 hours on the Great Kiddie Pool hunt. Who knew it could ever be such an ordeal?


  • I encountered the same problem last summer trying to find a slip-n-slide. I resorted to EBAY of all places. Ebay...to buy a freaking slip-n-slide. If you ever have kids you learn the trick fast: be the first one there or suffer the consequences. I'm glad you found one, though! Too bad it was such crappy weather on Sunday. Grrr...

    By Blogger RockerMom, at 3:15 PM  

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