Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

01 July 2006


The kick-off to the long holiday weekend came and went and has left me exhausted.

Diva Niece moved in with the 'rents Thursday night so Brother and SIL can go to Jacksonville to look at real estate and generally assess the area and see if he would like accept his primo job offer there and uproot everyone and move. He did tell me (on the down-low) that while at an association convention in Nashville earlier this week, he was approached by a local company who was interested in him. Naturally, I am rooting for that offer to come through, and then Brother and SIL can use this long weekend as a little get-away and nothing more.

After a trying day in the office yesterday (new marketing coordinator, though very sweet and on the ball for most things, fails to have that essential detail-minded quality which means I am constantly returning things to her; how is it I spend more time editing/reviewing her stuff than doing my own work? Sometimes I think it'd be easier for me to do it myself, but then how would she ever learn?), off I went to the 'rents to collect them and Diva Niece so we could meet up with Little Bro and my future-SIL, who had already staked out a rooftop table at a local pub. There's nothing like pub food outside on a beautiful Friday evening. Naturally, Diva Niece was a big ham and had all the tables around us oohing and aahing over her. Perhaps she was a movie star in a former life. She is too social for words.

Upon dropping them off after we dined, Diva Niece pitched a mini-tantrum that I was leaving, which nearly broke my heart. And then I was off to lovely Lisle to meet up with G, my old college buddy and current PAO for the Blue Angels. He's in town for the Eyes to the Skies festival. Not only is this where he first honed his PR skills during a summer break in college, but he's also here on official business, manning a booth for the Blue Angels.

To have G in town is a big treat. The last time I saw him was a year ago when he was jetting through town on his way back from his tour in Bahrain and on his way to his new duty with the BAs. Before that, I think it was right before he, his wife, and kids went off to Bahrain for a couple years. So seeing as we rarely have the opportunity to welcome him back home, it was wonderful that we could get a few friends together and meet up for cocktails, bad dancing [on his part :)], and general catching up. Ok, so a pub in Lisle is no great shakes. But it's all about the company and the fun you make on your own. It's sad I don't live anywhere close to Lisle because the fun was being taken to a whole new level when I had to leave.

Hopefully there will be an oportunity to catch up one more time before he leaves town (and that would mean me going to the festival, I suppose), but if not he will be in town during the Air & Water Show in August, and I will definitely meet up with him and his BA friends then.

Of course, the time between me rolling into bed [early this morning] and having to be up for my early wax appointment was not enough, and I could go for a nap in a big way right now. Not just because of being up so early, but I swung by the 'rents house to break bread (or in this case, eggs) after the aforementioned wax. Diva Niece can be very exhausting.

Napping...wouldn't that be nice...but I fear it will make me more tired than I am now rather than serving its intended purpose as a nice eneregy rejuvenator. So I'll drink loads of caffeine and prep the body for a night of drinking and good food at the 4th annual BBQ a friend is hosting.

Happy long holiday weekend to all!


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