Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

02 July 2006

Thank Goodness the Plan Fell Through

Overbearing Friend decided it was tactful to send me an email earlier this week with the following verbiage:

I am wondering why I haven’t been invited to your place or even gotten an email to go out..seems summer has brought abt other invites and friends …. let me knw if you want to get together.

When I received the above, I was in Vancouver. I sighed heavily (yes, I'm supposed to be working on that, but no co-worker or superior was around, and I think it was entirely called for on this occasion), and responded with:

I am in Vancouver. Have been and will be for a few more days. Don't feel bad that you haven't heard from me. No one else has either because I am not in town. You can come over whenever I am home, which is so rare I can count the times on both hands.

All of it true.

I was exasperated because she freaked out that she hasn't heard a peep out of me in a couple weeks.

I was exasperated because she reads too much into things.

I was exasperated because I am being judged for having things to occupy my days and nights. (Entirely unfair, btw, as most are planned in advance and/or are must-attend functions)

I was exasperated because even people who I am closer with and/or date do not act like this.

All "was" because I quickly gave up even thinking about it and decided the best way to nip this in the bud was to call this weekend and invite her over and get this all over with.

So I did. And we decided that she would come over tonight. So I planned on this and thought longingly about the Me Time I will not have this weekend. In fact, when was the last time I had any?

The stars must be aligned in my favor. As I was driving home this evening, ensuring I would be there in time for her arrival, I got a call from Overbearing Friend. Apparently, something has come up and she cannot leave her home tonight.

(As an aside, if I had done this to her, I would have probably gotten the third degree and then made to feel bad for ditching out on plans. Shows how completely opposite we are.)

I quickly assured her that this was fine, as my mind flipped into high gear, thinking of all of things I can do now that I finally have some Me Time. After all, plans get canceled all the time, I told her, and we can always reschedule.

I am over the weird email Overbearing Friend sent. Every now and again this happens, and I just chalk it up to her strangeness and part of the reality of being her friend. I am over the rush I put myself through today to ensure that I would be home and a good hostess for my intended visitor. If nothing else, now I have a cleaner home and a stocked fridge.

I am soooo looking forward to my night alone. I have gotten some cleaning/straightening up done, and I am anticipating a good movie for the remainder of the evening. Maybe even more than 5 hours of sleep tonight so I can be really well-rested (for the first time in how long?) tomorrow. Yippeeee!


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