Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

28 June 2006

Oh Canada

Just returned from a short stint in Vancouver. This trip was more enjoyable than my previous time spent in this fair city. Unseasonably hot weather beats cold winter days any day of the week as far as I'm concerned.

Since I was there for business, that was the focus. But luckily one of my meetings was with the CVB, and my lovely contact there gave me a complimentary attraction pass good for free admittance to select sights. Since it was my last meeting of the day, I reviewed my options, called Ops Guy, and advised him that I would be heading out to actually explore a bit more than walking a half-mile to find a restaurant (which at that point was the extent of our exploration, done the previous evening).

He was game, so off we went taking a sea bus and land bus to Grouse Mountain. What a truly unique and amazing experience! Visitors take a funicular up the mountain to the Peak Chalet and just tool about. Hikers abound, and the lush forests, steep inclines, and breathtaking views are unbeatable. The rangers also keep a grizzly bear habitat, where the animals are contained in their natural environment by fences. We scoured the area, walking in circles around the habitat hoping to catch a glimpse of a bear to no avail. I'm wondering if there really are bears there. Anyone can set up some fence and tack up "Don't Feed the Bears" signs. There was also supposed to be a wolf habitat, but we didn't even see directional signage for that. Oh well.

Despite not seeing the animals, which is one of the big items billed for this attraction, it was still a great experience. Great views and a wonderful get-back-to-nature excursion. They also have a lovely little treetop bistro that was fantastic. A lovely evening all around.

This trip really did provide me with a whole new appreciation for Vancouver.


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