Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

12 January 2007

Friday Rants

Things about today:

* I detest slow walkers. They have a habit of getting in my way; cutting in front of me only to slow to snail's pace. I'm convinced they're doing this on purpose, targeting me as the person they will piss off. This usually happens when I am in a bit of a rush--a train to catch or work to get to. Normally, I think something along the lines of "Move, you fucking bitch" or "Bastard, bastard, fucking bastard." Today I actually muttered these sighs in only a semi-quiet way. It was almost too much to continue to internalize this bit of rage.

* My sloooowww co-worker is paining me so. He is dragging his feet on a program we're working on together, and I have exhausted all work I can do at this point. We're severely behind schedule, and his laissez-faire attitude about how things will get done/accomplished/fixed is downright killing me.

* The Chinese, sweet as they are, handed down a "request" last night: They want me and a couple others on this team to come back to Beijing--by the end of the month. My first thought was "Nice. I so appreciate the thoughtfulness in giving us more than two weeks to organize this trip." My second thought was "How many people are going on this journey exactly? Because it comes out of my budget, and I'm not going over-budget for a trip like this." My third thought was a bit more anxious. Something along the lines of "Holy crap! I just sent my passport in for renewal and I didn't expedite it because I didn't think I was going anywhere anytime soon. So who knows when I'll get it back, but it looks like 6-8 weeks from now."

This last thought is the most crucial and more bothersome one. I need to be at this meeting. It also needs to happen as soon as possible--according to the Chinese (although I would much prefer March because I have a feeling far more will be accomplished and I'm working on pushing it 'til then). So if they come back with now as is in immediately, I'll have to deal with the folks at the passport office to speed this along, wire them money, and beg beg BEG the Chinese Consulate to rish me through a visa. I'm getting a headache just thinking about this.

And, so much for not traveling until June... I knew it would be like this. I just didn't think it would be so soon.

* Snow is on the way, or so all the weather channels are saying. I don't much care for snow and was actually enjoying the relatively balmy weather followed by a cold snap followed by more spring-like temps. In all honestly, I was becoming a bit smitten with that mysterious but dangerous Global Warning. The reality check may be on the way. If snow comes, I may hide out in the confines of the ever-shrinking condo thereby successfully avoiding the white crap for a day or two.

* The aforementioned ever-shrinking condo is annoying me in its smallness. I actually cursed at a box this evening, looking pointedly at it and ensuring every nasty look and curse word was aimed directly at it. As if it's the boxes fault it resides there. Ha!


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