Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

07 January 2007

Weekend Recap

Back from Milwaukee and all I can say is WOW. The city has totally revamped itself in the past few years. I was blown away by all of the new stores, bars, and restaurants as well as all of the new buildings and building rehabs.

Enjoyed Bayshore's new mall (completely re-done and very classy, if not a teeny bit impractical); socialized with the locals; stayed at one of the nicest hotels (and certainly most expensive) in the city; dined at an old favorite Italian restaurant; laughed at all of the (really, really) outlandish Christmas lights and decorations in the parks; and, closed The Lodge ... Got new, better passport pictures taken at the Walgreens that used to be "mine" when I lived in the area; had a memorable greasy spoon breakfast at the place that saw way too much of my business during college; and, walked through campups realizing that I was pretty lucky to go to such an amazing school--and as much as I miss it, I am too exhausted in my life to even think about reliving those days.

Never made it to Alterra for coffee and never made it to the art museum (although I could see the new addition from my hotel), but both of those things can be easily taken care of the next time I visit. And certainly I hope next time is soon.

It was awesome to see Spinelli, and and it was just as fantastic to be in a city that I really adore. It was the perfect weekend away, and I dare say I was actually a little sad to come home. I am honestly considering buying property up there- not only as an investment opportunity but also to have a place to crash when I go up there (visits of which I hope are far more frequent than they have been the past few years)- but first I'm looking for one or more people to go in on it with me. What with my monthly mortgage payments and assessments increasing this year, I won't be able to swing it on my own, but it's something nice to work towards and think about.

In the meantime, here I am back in Chicago, looking forward to detoxing from the weekend while wondering just when I will be able to get away for an entire weekend again.


  • Ah yes, the visit to the alma mater. It brings back such memories, doesn't it? I remember driving through Milwaukee maybe two years ago when it was undergoing its massive construction and it looked like a scene from Kosovo. I'm glad to hear the renovations are finally done!

    By Blogger RockerMom, at 7:01 PM  

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