Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

02 January 2007

Ramblings Already

After setting my goals for 2007, I decided to get right on one of them, if for no other reason than to give me some incentive to hit the others.

So, before the New Year began, I booked my hotel room for Friday night up in Milwaukee (rendezvous with FTF will be delovely!). And what a nice way to start my Milwaukee weekend. Visit with Spinelli begins Saturday, and that will be so fun and refreshing as well.

I also booked my ticket to NYC in mid-February to go see the ever-fun Sue.

And, since Milwaukee and NYC can both be considered "vacations" in some sense of the word, I decided to reward myself by redeeming some points for a few lovely kitchen accoutrements, including this:

Now I can really explore my culinary skills in the new year! I'm tres excited about the mixer and can't wait for it to arrive. Of course, with my uber-small galley kitchen and limited counter space, I have NO idea where I'm going to keep this little treat. I suppose it's time for some kitchen re-organization stat.

And between being sick and jumping head-on into these goals- before I even had to, mind you- yesterday was truly my day of rest.


And why go back to work on the first expected-work day of 2007? So I took a vacation day. And what did I do? Every errand I have been meaning to do during the holiday season, including an oil and transmission fluid change for the Crayola. I swear, I was the oldest person at the Oil Express. The kids working there literally looked as though they were in high school. That did little to ease my mind as they clunked around by my car.


My liver, which once was begging for a break, now thinks I have entirely forgotten it. I can hear it squeaking, "Hey, WTF?!?! Where's the juice?" This cold of mine really did a number on me. Luckily, I am feeling much better, and I figure one or two more days and I will be ready to jump back into something more intoxicating than water to soothe the spirits of my confused organ.


It appears as though I have somehow found myself as a caregiver/pseudo-Mom. Not now...but soon. Diva Niece is in need of someone to watch after her for two days and nights. In my sickly, drug-induced haze, I must have agreed to this. Tricky Mom for roping me into this when you knew I was weak.

I LOVE Diva Niece. I love spending time with her. But rest assured, this will be the most difficult two days I will have had in a long, long time.


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