Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

04 June 2006

My Major Prize

I won a major award. It's not a be-stockinged leg lamp and it did not come in a box marked FRAGILE (Italian pronunciation, please). I love it nonetheless: NetFlix for a year and a subscription to Entertainment Weekly. Seeing as I rarely win anything, I was thrilled when the news arrived.

I have little time to read these days. I'm plowing through two books, both of which I love so far. One is pure guilty pleasure (I love all things John Irving) and the other is for my summer book club (which is also an excuse to drink -- as if I need one). Hence, the fact that my first two issues of EW are sitting about along with two back issues of People I will get around to as well. All- books and mags- are excellent for train reading. Same with gym time. Another thing I have zero time for these days. Time to reconfigure my routine.

The magazines can wait. They're always easy to flip through and fast and fun. The NetFlix part of the major award is just fun and fantastic and arrived the most ideal time ever -- when bad reruns are abundant on just about every channel. I set up my queue and am thrilled with the over all ease of use. I am disappointed, though, with the first movie that arrived, which is entirely my fault.

Whoever raved on end about "North Country," whatever critics enjoyed this flick...are you insane? I will never get those 2 hours of my life back. What a waste. Similar movies have been done better by both Sally Fields and Cher. Did Charlize really think this was a wise move? Ugh. Apparently, someone can also ask me if I thought it was a wise move to watch it. The answer is no.

I can only hope that my taste in selection improves. This NetFlix thing is not off to a good start. I'm still thrilled with the major award, though. Things can only get better...I think.


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