Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

27 May 2006

My Quarantine

Since returning from Asia, I have had this desire to see Diva Niece. At 10-months and counting, she is a ball of cuteness and I know she will be so different from when I saw her before my departure. I also can;t let her think I have somehow deserted her.

My brother has failed to return my messages- verbal and written- and I puzzled over this for days. Granted, he's not the best communicator, but I found it odd that he wouldn't want to arrange a visit between Diva Niece and Auntie MoC.

Turns out that Diva Niece is currently vacationing at Lake Ozark with SILs relations. Diva Niece at a lakehouse...Already. So fitting for the little princess. However... Mom cleared up any confusion about when I might see her by telling me I have been quarantined.


Brother, in his infinite desire to play Overprotective Dad, has decided that I must be carrying avian flu. By spending any amount of time in Asia and breathing in Asian air and being in contact with your average Asian businessperson, I must be infected with the virus. And until I have proven I have not developed bird flu nor has anyone who has been in contact with me, I cannot see Diva Niece. I am a leper to my own niece.

After laughing hysterically at my brother's hyper-active imagination, Mom deadpanned that no, he was actually quite serious but would "probably get over it in a few weeks."

A few weeks! This is insane!

I intend to send Diva Niece a note to be opened when she turns 16 and decides to go through the general "I hate my parents" bit all kids go through during those teen angst periods. Said note will confirm the fact that, yes, her father is a nut job. As evidenced by his futile attempts to quarantine me as well as what is bound to be a long list of other senseless stupidities between now and then. And this should have no bearing on me or the rest of our side of the family.


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