Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

04 June 2006

Apparent Exhibitionism

I live on the third floor, end unit. I face the parking lot. I've had better views.

I also face a big white house. Many people occupy the residence. Someone is always home.

Because these people are quiet and tend to keep to themselves, I forget that if you can see them, they can see you.

I wanted to share that tidbit with my old landlord, who I watched screwing his wife on his living room floor from my den several summers ago. I never did, but I also never caught them doing anything like that again. It sort of scarred me anyway.

When I first moved a month ago, I attempted modesty by drawing my blinds whenever I dressed or undressed. Then I just said screw it. Too much work to remember...and when I did it was in some state of undress anyway. Too late.

I'm not an overly modest person. I never saw the sense in it. I never really thought about anyone peeping from their window into mine. It happened once when I was about 13 with the neighbor boy. I figured I was educating him, if nothing else. Since then, I've never caught anyone looking, and if someone is then I hope they're enjoying what they're seeing.

I have a feeling the white house people have watched me. I don't really care as long as they keep their distance and don't grab a camera.

Select friends, who are more modest than I am, think my exhibitionist side enjoys the thrill. Is it that, or just my laziness in opening and closing blinds for a few seconds? And really, does it matter?


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