Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

18 April 2006

Moving Drama

More issues surrounding the home purchase and move. So what else is new? I should've known it couldn't be smooth, simple, and easy. Although my agent says this is, for all intents and purposes, pretty smooth. I'd hate to know what rocky is.

The closing date still isn't locked in stone, although we're still planning for the 28th.

The seller still hasn't fixed any of the things the inspector told him he should fix and that my attorney ordered. The biggest one being the seals on the window that need to be fixed. The same seals he had a quote on months ago. The window project he wanted me to split with him. Ha! My attorney, agent, and I laughed our butts off over that one.

As of this afternoon, that issue is pretty over. The seller is having the windows measured on Tuesday -- and the only negative behind all of this is the project could take 7-10 days and I'll be in there then. This better not affect my work schedule. But at least he's paying to have them done. I still need confirmation on a few of the other items on the list of things we asked for, but everyone seems calm about this so I'm not too concerned.

Then there's the move. Movers are sooo expensive! So much moreso than I expected. I finally booked mine, which is hard to do when you don't really know the exact closing date. Oddly enough, I think it might all actually work out fine. Friday is the closing, and then I have Saturday and Sunday to clean and do all of the other necessary things. And then I can move Monday. And I won't have to take more than 1-2 days off work and will still have slightly more than a week before I need to pack for Hong Kong. Perfect timing.

Somehow it'll all come together, but the frustration and exhaustion is phenomenal. So many people keep asking me if I'm excited. Is something wrong with me? Because I'm not at all excited. In fact, there's not enough hours in the day to get everything done. I'll be excited when I'm 100% moved in, the windows and all other smaller issues are repaired, and all of the utilities are in working order. Then I can breathe a little easier and enjoy the new place. And I know I will. I am excited about the new town and everything that comes with it. It's just a matter of getting past these obstacles- moving and what-not- before it's real and enjoyable. Right now it's just a real pain.


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