Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

17 April 2006

Hand of Justice

It always makes me feel good when the bad guy gets caught; when a sneaky government official is caught red-handed in some wrong-doing; when justice is served. Today slimey George Ryan has been found guilty of all charges brought against him, including mail fraud, racketeering, and tax violations among others.

Down goes the former governor of my fair state.

What I don't understand is why he can walk free from now until his sentencing. And why his sentencing isn't until August. I suppose he can go off and enjoy his summer because it may be the very last one he gets as a free man. Or maybe just the very last one he ever enjoys. He'll probably get thrown in the clink for the rest of his life. In which case, wouldn't he have asked himself if it was really worth it to get embroiled in all of this no-good-ness when he knew if he got caught he'd probably die a defeated, pathetic man behind bars?

Honestly, the choices we make...


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