Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

12 February 2006

Good-Bye Pooh

My Ops Manager at work is giving his notice on Monday. I have listened to his saga and heard him debate the finer points of staying versus leaving and have provided as much moral support as any co-worker (and friend) can provide, especially over the past week when he shared the news of his new job offer with me. However, I just received confirmation that tomorrow is the day. The official letter of resignation will be submitted. And that means the countdown to Pooh Bear's departure begins.

Feeling guy that he is, I know he is struggling between doing the right thing for himself and his family and deserting our little team at the office. I understand the conflict and I give him credit for wondering what will become of the rest of us once he leaves. It's generally true that no one is irreplaceable, especially in a work environment. I have rarely come across anything to the contrary until this situation. He truly is an irreplaceable individual. And now I am left to wonder exactly what he is concerned about: What will happen to the rest of us?


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