Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

06 February 2006

Elevator Conversations

Basic small talk doesn't come easy to some, as evidenced in a conversation I overheard in the elevator up to the office this morning.

Woman: How was your weekend?
Man: Fine. And yours?
W: Full.
M: Do you live in the area?
W: Roscoe Village. That's north. Like, Belmont and Western.
M: Oh.
W: Where do you live?
M: Itasca.
W: Where's that?
M: About 14 minutes away
W: Hmmm.
M: Yeah
W: Do you have family?

And then they left. The conversation was painful to listen to, if only because it's obvious these are two co-workers who don't talk often and have no idea how to make light, airy small talk.

Especially off-putting was the woman's comment, "Do you have family?" Who doesn't have family?!?!? She didn't ask, "Do have family in the area." She asked if he had family. Period. Me thinks he had or does have at least someone he has been or is related to at some point in his life. I'll also take a liberal definition of family here and even include really close friends.

This woman was obviously stretching for conversation. Painfully so. I say if you don't have anything of somewhat intelligent or witty banter to offer, always fall back on the office. That topic will always provide plenty to chat about in the couple minutes it will take for you to get from the lobby to your office door, at which point you can go your separate ways. But never, ever ask obviously stupid questions for the sake of conversation.


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