Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

05 February 2006

Super Sunday

Today is like Christmas for football fans. The high holiday for lovers of the game of pigskin. I do so enjoy the excitement associated with the big game. Lots of video clips, excited debates among the pundits, smack talking, and of course lots of big parties. And who doesn't enjoy those lavish couch potatoe parties? Beer, munchies, more beer. No, it's not healthy in the least. And that's Ok because it's one measley day out of the year. And beer and chips go better with football than green tea and carrots (which don't really "go" in the first place).

Anyway, the US Calorie Control Council (who knew there was such a group? They sound frightening!) is offering some scary statistics about what will be consumed today. Generic data includes this little fun fact: It's estimated that 27 billion calories and 1.8 billion grams of fat will be consumed by Americans today. Though I'm not proud to say that I will be contributing to this intake, now I know why I pay for that gym membership.

But gym activities will come tomorrow. Today it's all about the game. I've already made it clear where my allegiance lies. Now let the festivities begin.


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