Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

17 April 2007

What Did I Sign Up For?

This time last year, I was packing up my meager possessions, calling movers, and saving the last of my pennies knowing I would never again know what it would be like to have a significant amount of funds at my disposal--all because I was embarking on my first go 'round at home ownership.

My one year anniversary in my condo is in one week. As I approach this milestone, I can't help but look back and see what I wanted, what I got, and ask, really, is this what I signed up for?

What I wanted: A nice two bedroom condo- preferably vintage- with hardwood floors, a fair amount of space, a balcony or deck, in-unit washer and dryer, a parking space, and a couple good-looking, single men.

What I got: A nice one bedroom condo- not vintage- with no hardwood floors (but Pergo floors in my awesome kitchen), not-so-much space (although it is a relatively open floor plan), no balcony or deck, and no in-unit washer and dryer. There is a parking space, and that counts for something. I haven't seen any men that can be considered really "good-looking," per se, but they might be single.

What I got myself into: A 33-year-old building that is fine for right now (well, the building itself is fine. The neighbors...well, you can't pick 'em, can you?). It's in a nice neighborhood, close to the Metra and a beer garden. (The beer garden is a big selling point) And though I outgrew this place the minute I started to unpack, I cannot beat my mortgage payments and I certainly cannot beat the association fees and taxes. Taxes are big deal, aren't they?

Is this what I signed up for? It wasn't what I expected, but it certainly isn't something I regret. Being a home owner is harder than I thought it would be (I wish someone would've given me a heads up). I hate that I can't call a landlord to fix the littlest thing. I really hate that there are certain expenses that can land in my lap (hello, new thermostat).

But it can be exciting and it can be fun and in the end I'm hoping that this little investment of mine turns out to be worth it all. Because I have my eye on a few places nearby, all with 2 bedrooms, balconies, and hopefully in-unit washer and dryers. Because that in-unit washer and dryer, that's now my number one must-have next time around. Hardwood floors and good-looking single men are nice plusses as well.


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