Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

02 March 2007

Down with Rosie

There was a time when I liked Rosie. She was never my favorite comic or talk show personality, but I got a kick out of her in "A League of Their Own" and the early years of her talk show had their humorous moments.

And then the broad got all entitled, and her high and mighty self started to get real annoying real quick.

And that's when I washed my hands clean of anything to do with her. No reading her [now defunct] magazine, no watching her [now defunct] talk show, and no caring about anything she said or did.

For awhile that was hard since she was still everywhere, getting louder and more ornery by the day. And then she dropped off the face of the Earth and life was quiet. Occasionally there would be the odd Lifestyle section article about her and her gay family cruise launch, and I let that slide because it seemed as though maybe she was making a turnaround. And doing good things for alternative families. And that's good and that's why I thought maybe she was settling down.

Oh, how wrong I was...

Then she joined The View. (This was, of course, after the debacle that was her Broadway producing career. If Boy George was involved, what made her think it was a good project? Maybe in 1981, but not in the 00's) And her big, loud, obnoxious mouth went spouting off about stuff she didn't know anything about relating to Donald Trump. And he got all pissy and I hope he does sue her ass. Now, anyone who knows me well knows I'm not a huge Trump fan by any means, but he was entitled to go off on her. She slandered his (good?) name. She deserves what she's getting. She fabricated and/or exaggerated "truths" and that got her in trouble. I'd feel bad, but we all know it's not the right thing to do. So there.

And then, I heard the latest altercation on "The View." And that did it for me. I flew into a blind rage. I officially hate her.

So, she and her cohort Joy berated (well, really, forcefully harassed) Elisabeth Hasselbeck about her political beliefs. Asking repeatedly how she could support our current administration. Offering up the latest accounts about the casualties (and injuries) in Iraq, The lies. The secrets. Why? Why? Why???? As though Elisabeth is GW's right hand gal. She's a conservative and proud of it. But she isn't part of the inner circle, so get off her back.

Like it or hate it, the girl has conviction. She's proud of those convinctions. I respect that. Just because you or I or that hateful Rosie don't agree doesn't make her wrong. And that's where Rosie went way over the top.

When discussing who she will vote for in the '08 elections, Elisabeth made a sound and well-voiced comment regarding how she will select which candidate to back, which included researching their views from every angle. And that's every candidate, not just the conservative ones. And only then would she make her decision. As she said, we (as free-thinking Americans) need to look at the upcoming elections and the candidates with a keen eye and make a sound decision for the future, as who is elected can likely change the course of our security and place in the world for many decades to come. I couldn't agree more.

But see, that's the thing about opinions and Rosie. You're allowed to have one unless Rosie disagrees with you. Otherwise, she will call you and your opinions ignorant and immature and advise you that she is beating up on you until you become older and wiser and think like her. Which is essentially what she told Elisabeth. I was so in shock I was screaming to the walls. That's pretty ballsy. And pretty over the top. And entirely unnecessary. And so incredibly wrong.

It is her way or the highway, and I hate that. If she could speak in a normal tone of voice without being belittling and sarcastic and mean-spirited and downright bitchy, then I would say she, too, is voicing her opinion. But she's not. She's a bully. A big, mean, bitchy bully. And no one likes that

As a role model for women- young and old- she has done a horrible thing. She has endorsed fighting over rational discussion. She has endorsed belittling opinions that are not her own. She has basically put her stamp on communism. I wish she would move to one of those countries. They'd like her if she spouted out their party line. And if she didn't, they'd throw her in the clink and no one would hear from her again.

So, this is MY opinion. And I'm entitled to it. Just as you're entitled to your own. And that's Ok.


  • I love you MoC, you know that. And I LOVE it when someone hits the "I officially hate them" phase. It's always interesting and fun for those that are privy to that phase. But....why are you watching this woman? That's what gives her her power. Quit watching The View, write a letter to the producers and tell them you're not watching because Rosie so obnoxious and mean spirited, and don't watch it again until they kick her ass off. (I will now move my soapbox away from yours and give you back the floor!)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 8:19 AM  

  • Yeah, Rosie really dominates that show. Granted I've watched all of eight minutes of it, both pre-Rosie and now, but the eight minutes I watched was when Kelly Ripa had come on via telephone to apologize to Rosie (and all the other gay people on the planet) for kidding with Clay Aiken and his allegedly dirty hands. I watched Rosie go on and on, dominate the moment, not letting anyone else get a word in, etc., and all I could think was, "Why is this woman allowed to do this?" Is SHE "The View?" They should just call the show "The Rosie O'Donnell Show." Oh wait, they did that already. If it failed the first time, why is she so popular the second time around?

    If I were Joy Behar I'd have bitch-slapped her by now. But you know, it's all about ratings, right? Rosie is a gold mine for ABC. Why that is, I will never understand.

    By Blogger RockerMom, at 4:37 PM  

  • Girl: I totally forgot about the Kelly Ripa thing. Just goes to show how much damage the woman has done in the short time since taking on this new post.

    Elle: I think I WILL write a letter to the producers! Thanks! As for watching the show, I didn't. A morning radio station was appalled by the bit and played the exchange in question. Of course, now I will never even bother to try to watch it.

    By Blogger mistressofchange, at 9:28 AM  

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