Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

07 March 2007

Dabbling in Domesticity

So there have been these monthly dinner parties--the gatherings of the Jeunesse Doree, as we not-so-humbly refer to ourselves. One tends to be more extravagant than the next. And this month it is my turn to host the evening.

If you just had a sinking feeling and uttered "uh-oh," then we're totally on the same page. I had that same reaction a month ago. But I'm telling you, I've gotten better in the past 11 months, and I really felt up for the challenge this month. I've really been venturing into the whole domestic thing, and though I am far from a natural, I'm taking many things in stride (rather than freak out or throw in the towel and order take out).

So much so that I am actually laughing to myself at how I have let Friday's dinner party spin so out of control. First sign that something will become crazed: there is a theme. Yes, a theme. Early St. Joseph's Table. And for those that haven't a clue what that is, it's basically a toned down, Italian version of St. Patrick's Day. It gets nary a bit of recognition because it's trumped by the Irish feast day with it's miniscule man with a pot of gold and green beer. (I completely understand, by the way) Anyway, the Irish have their corned beef and cabbage and potatoes and beer and whiskey. The St. Joseph's Table is about pasta and fish and sweets and wine. I can so handle it.

In preparation, I have had to bring in a folding table and chairs (because I don't have enough table room or chairs). I have more wine than I know what to do with (Ok, that's just an outright exaggeration) plus what I have requested of some guests. There will be amazing appetizers including some fine imported Italian cheeses, a fantastic antipasto tray (meatless due to Lent), shrimp, and mini caprese's-on-a-stick. I have two trays of home-made lasagna, home-made marinara sauce, and will make a big salad. Add fresh crusty bread, and that is the main course. And then, the topper, dessert: mini cannolis and mini cream puffs from the most fantastic Italian bakery that my family has been frequenting since my mother was a kid. And party favors: Italian cookies.

I'm so proud of my menu. I'm so proud that nearly everything has been prepped. I am looking around my place right now thinking, "You're awesome. But you're putting off the really big thing." Yup, I really need to clean. Soooo badly. That's the last task. The hardest one. Surely the least desirable one.

I'm thrilled to host the dinner party. It will no doubt be awesome. We're going for karaoke afterwards, which will most likely be hysterically funny. And really, I'll be happiest when Saturday morning dawns. The preparations the past few nights have exhausted me! Luckily, I won't have to duplicate and/or top this extravaganza for another five months. No worries. Full on-set domesticity has not set in.


In other news, tonight was a big wash for home projects. I couldn't get any cleaning (or anything else for that matter) done because of the loooooong conference call with the Chinese followed by a lovely little chat with an ex-pat in Hong Kong. I have fulfilled my Asia business call quota for the next two weeks. And am now thoroughly exhausted.


  • You are awesome!!! Good job making a menu that you can do the majority of the things ahead of time!! I hope you have a beautiful evening with your friends.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 10:11 AM  

  • Parties are all about the stuff you can prep. Good for you for diving in head on! Sounds like it was a great success! I would LOVE to host a party, but feel like my little one-bedroom is too small to do it. To dip my toe into the deep end, I might just have to have the gang over for appetizers before going out the bar. That might ease me into it.

    By Blogger Megan, at 2:21 PM  

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