Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

27 February 2007

More on the Oscars

Seeing as I am several days late (and a few dollars short seeing as I didn't win any money with my picks) with my Oscar recap, I'll be brief in the things I'll share.

Ellen was a good host. I think the Academy has found a keeper. Her warmth was engaging and the celebs took to her. She really held the show together for the nearly 4-hour broadcast, and that's saying a lot. The only downside, perhaps, was she was a bit too casual for the fancy schamncy affair--but maybe this is a sign that the year's must-attend black tie affair is loosening its proverbial tie a bit.

I have someone new to adore. I present you with Ari Sandel.

Director of award-winning short film "West Bank Story."

Too adorable! I love me a nice Jewish man.

And though there were many beautiful people looking fabulous in their designer finery (i.e. Helen Mirren, Cate Blanchett, Jen Hudson (sans shrug), Kate Winslet, Reese Witherspoon, and Emily Blunt), there were just as many that need to fire their stylist immediately. I'm talking to you Kristen Dunst, Anne Hathaway, J. Lo, Beyonce, Penelope Cruz (what were those bird feathers?!), Nicole Kidman (channeling a Christmas gift, were we?), Adriana Barraza (seriously, I think you're a good actress but not a terrific dresser), and Tracy Evans (Eddie Murphy's date). I would also add Meryl Streep, but she's always so impressively dowdy and dull and eccentric that it's almost expected. Ladies, please look at your appearance on the red carpet and review forthcoming styles accordingly.

And with awards season officially over for many, many months, I return to my Countdown to Spring. 32 more days and counting.


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