Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

04 May 2006

Metra Really is the Way to Really Fly

The only way to get to work in a fast, efficient, non-crazed manner now that I've moved is to take the Metra. I've long looked forward to this because it is faster than the El and has a helluva lot better class of people. Imagine sitting back and reading in uncramped quarters with other business folks and smelling coffee and mild perfumes and colognes and newspaper...as opposed to urine and body odor from some of the regulars aboard the Green Line.

Today I even managed to catch the express train into the city, which made me even happier. Not because I actually desired getting to the office earlier than I had to be but because it was so nice to speed along for a straight shot into the city and also not to have to worry about missing my connection and waiting for another unreliably serviced El train. I can definitely get used to this mode of transport.

Sure, there's something seedy and at the same time very Chicago-esque about the El. But I doubt I'll really miss it all that much. Not when I have the lovely Metra mere blocks from my door.


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