Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

08 January 2008

Pushing Past the Post-Holiday Malaise

Welcome 2008!

Over these glorious 8 days, I have been easing back into the work scene (boy, this first 5-day work week in over a month is going to be a tough one) and trying to stick to some of my "goals" for the new year (my Ballys card is still staring at me urging me to throw on the sweats and get my butt in gear tomorrow).

The first few days of the new year were spent enjoying every possible moment with Diva Niece. I'm sure there will be one, maybe two, times in the next few weeks when I will see her before she departs for California, but since I have no firm confirmation on that, the best I could do was front-load the month with time with her. Of course I enjoyed every last minute of it.

And then came this week. It's a big one as I'm waiting on news of something potentially fruitful.

And while I wait, I have been watching sadly as The (currently former) Crush heads down a path of self-destruction. I don't think he came out of the holidays so well and it's beginning to show. We all sometimes feel as though we have too much to bear in life, and sadly I think he has taken a fuck-all attitude about the entire thing. Over the past few days in particular I have become a visitor to his dark emotional state and a keeper of his equally dark thoughts. All of which is very UNsexy (but very scary), which has conveniently nipped in the bud any sort of existing lust. However, I am still deeply concerned about him.

On a much lighter note..

* No Golden Globes ceremony this year? As much as I support the writer's strike, I am a selfish person come awards seasion and I need an official kick-off and this is usually it. I bet Rumer Willis feels the same way, as this was to be her big Hollywood debut--to celebs and us regular schmoes watching at home--as Miss Golden Globe 2008. Poor Rumer. Whatever will she do?

* I heard a fantastic little snippet of gossip that The Mole is returning this summer (and with real people, not D-list celebs)!


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