Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

18 September 2007

Those Bleeping Fox Execs

The Fox network hosted one of the most sedate Emmys I've watched in a long time. Ryan Seacrest was benign in his role as host. There were a lot of silly upsets (in my humble opinion). And that damn theatre in the round... well, whoever came up with that idea is probably lining up for the dole right now.

That aside, what about the censors? And those poor cameramen forced to cut away to an enlarged ugly globe? Why not just bleep out the "naughty" word rather than cut away entirely? It seems as though Fox execs were a little too rash in their censorship judgment.


Since when is "screwed" a naughty word too vulgar to be aired on primetime? We can show people simulating sex or greatly insinuating lots and lots of sex all over network TV, but to say the word "screw" is forbidden?

Same with the profane "goddamn." Is it really that awful? Or was it just Sally Field's war comments that were considered a bit too forward?

(By the by, I so dislike when celebrities use the podium as a forum to air their hot button opinions and get all riotious on viewers asses. Sit down, for gods sake, and drag your soap box outside the awards ceremony. It's all about time and place.)

This sort of censorship seems as though it's getting a bit too over the top, and I'm starting to wonder what agenda is being worked where...and why. I mean, c'mon people, it's an awards show.


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