Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

30 August 2006

Weirdos Abound

In all honesty, I was happy, relieved, and a little uncertain when it was revealed that John Mark Karr was supposedly JonBenet's killer. Who wouldn't want to believe it?

And then there's the news that there is no DNA match and in fact it's not him.

Look at him. He's weird. And surely has committed all sorts of sicko crimes. And should be tried appropriately for them. So naturally one wants to believe that someone who eludes to committing said crimes against a little girl is in fact guilty. He's a weirdo.

But nearly as weird (and guilty) are the DA's office in Colorado and the law enforcement agencies that collected him from Thailand, treated him too well, wasted over $9K on extraditing him back here (does that amount include the wining and dining?) only to find out what we all figured out the more his face was pasted all over the news and the more he spoke out: He didn't do it. And we may never know who did.

Is it still an active criminal investigation? Are there credible leads? Will there be any resolution to this unpeaceful story?


  • It's just a sicko who wants publicity. Plain and simple. They should put him jail just for wasting everyone's time and money.

    By Blogger RockerMom, at 10:25 PM  

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