Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

26 December 2007

I'm A Better Giver

This was the year of the really good gifts. I like to think I'm an above-average gift-giver and this year I really nailed some of the must-have's. There's something about seeing the look of surprise or happiness cross one's face that makes the actual act of giving that much more fulfilling.

Upon returning from my fabulous island vacation, I learned the horrendous news that dear little Diva Niece was leaving me for a sunnier state. My brother's promotion came through, so he's packing up the family and heading to San Diego by the end of January.

Now, let's face it, there are far worse places to move (or visit), and I can't fault him that all of the pieces fell into place and he decided to make the move. But to tear me away from my mini-me? Devastating.

The only things that could even begin to repair this state of awfulness were web cams. One for Diva Niece and one for grandma and grandpa--and of course one for me! And though that was only the start of some good gifts, I would say that those were the ones that went over amazingly well. Well, at least for the adults. Diva Niece? I'm sure she would say her grocery cart and 117-piece fake food collection were much better gifts....for now.


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