Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

14 November 2007

In Flux

My subconscious has been telling me I have been in a dither over something (or lots of somethings) for several weeks now. I know it's bad when I start cooking. And boy, have I been cooking. I'm practically in the running for Miss Midwest Domestic Goddess. Unfortunately, I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to clear away the clutter (physical, mental, emotional) and find the source of this/these issue(s).

So my subconscious is giving me a kick in the pants- er, head really. The clutter in my professional and personal life has seeped into my dreams. Last night I dreamt that there were piles of luggage and lamps and boxes and, well, clutter throughout the foyer leading to my door. The door was ajar and as I clambered to reach it to shut it, I was tripping on all of this stuff and it was exasperating. I just wanted to kick it or toss or move it. And then the alarm went off.

Now I could be interpreting this all wrong (and that's likely), but it seems the [one] obvious message is that the internal me is drowning in clutter and needs to be saved. Either that, or perhaps the slightly open door is a sign that hope (or help) is near. Or, all of it just means I bought a place that has been too small since the first week I moved in. Yeah, that could be it, too.


  • oh, i hate it when the stress and clutter has the damn nerve to intrude on my sleep. it's so, um, stressfull. i hope you find yourself some time to grab it by the horns and wrestle it down. martinis always seem to help with that. and a really high fat dessert.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:42 AM  

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