Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

12 November 2007


A former co-worker from a few years back and good friend got sacked today. She had seen it coming for well over a year and had made preparations for when this day arrived. We're having a Liberation From the French party this Saturday.


A former beau/very good friend emotionally tackled me today so he could lament to me and be cared for. I don't know what it is about me, but there are a fair amount of men in my life (in whatever capacity) who come to me for comfort in these over-the-top times of need...which is creepy in this I'm-not-you're-mom way. His marriage of three years has not been going so well since, oh, day 1 (but I'm not the type to say I told you so) and due to a course of trivial events that occurred around Halloween, he's fairly certain his wife is intending to leave him. Without getting into too much detail, someone needs to leave someone because there are just too many bad issues in that troublesome union. The loss in this relationship happened before it probably ever really began, but what's especially sad is this is the third relationship in the past year amongst my friends to be in such dire trouble. Ack! To become another statistic...


The man who sat next to me on the train tonight was the Good Doctor's doppelganger, and my heart ached just a little wondering what it's like in (and how he is liking) Kansas--and if he ever misses the Midwest and his [former] life here. Funny how the past has a way of reeling us back in when we least expect it.


Time has a way of escaping me these days. It seems like my entire October was lost to world travel. Between an especially long stay in Berlin and a whirlwind week in Brazil, the entire month flew by in a flash and only now am I coming out of this work-addled haze to find that it's nearly mid-November.

The good news: Just a few more weeks before the thorn in my side is gone.

The excellent news: In less than a month I'll be on the beach in St. Martin sipping rum-filled cocktails.


  • http://hansmeevis.blogspot.com/
    I was trawlling the Volgende blog and I came accross your. Read you were comming to St Maarten. Coincidence, I live there

    By Blogger Art Jeweller, at 7:21 PM  

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