Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

06 October 2006

Foray Into Technology

Even though I work with high-tech industries, some of the technologies I personally use can be considered a bit antiquated.

So when my VCR decided to die last week, I made the decision to enter into the here and now and ordered myself up DVR courtesy of Comcast. It seemed worth $9.99 a month to record all the shows I want directly into the little gray cable box.

With impending travels, I made sure that this was done this morning. So at 8:30 the cable guy arrived and presented me with a gleaming new silver cable box which had the technology to record all of my favorite shows with a click of a button.

It's super-easy to use. I even did a "test record" to make sure it was working. And it is. And I know I am going to luuuurve it!

My only problem--and I take large issue with this: Because the cable guy had to give me a new cable box, the guide is still downloading all of the programming from here to eternity. I don't know why this is taking 3+ hours but it is. So I've been forced to set the timer for the "to be announced" programs on the channels and at the right day/time that some of my favorites appear. I only hope that this works. I don't see why it shouldn't. However, with all the new programs airing this fall, I certainly can't remember everything I'd like to record. Therefore, issue #2. And I leave for France in 30 minutes. This won't be rectified by then.

So, I take a shot in the dark. And if it works, great. And if it doesn't, it's only a few weeks. After all, it's just TV. I'm still basking in the glow of upgrading to the here and now.


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