Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

02 October 2006

1998-era Nike Shorts

I admit that I am a bit of a pack rat. This makes sense for things of a sentimental nature. You can wrap your mind around that. But what about clothes? Think about it.

Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either, yet I continue to have drawers-ful of old T-shirts and shorts followed by a closet-ful of skirts, dresses, and suits--some dating back 10 years. There's no reason for it aside from the fact that they're in good condition and since I've long had a more...classic...taste in clothing, much of what I continue to hold onto hasn't gone out of style.

I know I should dump the things I never wear...and one day (probably sooner rather than later) I will. However, the old shorts and T-shirts are harder to part with. These are perfect for going to the gym or cleaning the house. They're (remarkably) in good condition. There's no reason to toss them if they can still be utilized.

I was wearing one such snazzy little gym outfit of navy and white Nike soccer shorts and a T-shirt when I ran into Walgreens after working out this evening. I knew I looked like crap, but it was just a quick run; in and out.

And what do you know, but a 30-something girl walked up to me and said, "Excuse me. I know this is going to sound weird, but where did you buy your shorts?" At first I thought a friend of hers had put her up to it. Me, the butt of some joke. (Don't put it past people. I have a friend who would do something like this just for the sport of it.) I sheepishly responded, "These?! Um, they're about 8 years old from SportMart or Sports Authority."

This girl was sincere in her disappointment. She looked at me with sad eyes and said, "Awww, that's what I thought. I had a few pairs like that about that long ago and I got rid of them. I miss them so much and haven't found anything like them since."

I just smiled apologetically, but deep down I was beaming with pride. Sometimes, holding onto things that you do use may seem ridiculous but makes good sense. And sometimes makes others just a teeny bit jealous, too.


  • LOL...I think those shorts are coming back in style. Who knew that your vintage shorts could be considered a hot commodity in 2006? tee hee....I remember having a bunch of soccer shorts that were solid color but the design was almost irridescent. I think they were Umbro brand. Thought I was so cool! Now they'd probably look like Daisy Dukes.

    By Blogger RockerMom, at 6:55 PM  

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