Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

04 September 2006

Sweet Home Chicago

Arrived home from Beijing with no issues or mishaps or remote unpleasantries Friday evening and have been off and running about during this Labor Day weekend, enjoying every ounce that this beautiful city has to offer. Luckily, I am not one to experience jet lag. My exhaustion is strictly due to self-inflicted sleep deprivation.

On the remainder of Beijing: The highlight was climbing the Great Wall. And yes, it was great. Beyond great. I'm not sure there are words to explain it all, but as I went through a grueling climb to get to the top-most portion (yes, we did the hard portion first followed by the easy jaunt. Why be simple?) and I surveyed the scenery before me, I could only think how truly lucky I am, for I have the brilliant opportunity to see and touch and experience what many will only read about or watch on TV. As for this being one of the Wonders of the World... well, I never did believe it before- how could a wall be so amazing?- and now I am a complete convert.

As for the climb- and that first portion was one, complete with steps that at some points came to my knees- it was rough. Even the most fit people were struggling. And it was hot. And humid. And the sun was beating down. And no one complained (well, maybe a teeny bit, but who wouldn't? It was long. And steep. And did I mention the word grueling? Because it was. Plus exhausting). And it was fulfilling. So deeply fulfilling.

It's good to be home. Only for a short time. Am off to Vancouver Saturday morning. But I have managed to put that out of my mind most of the weekend because I have wanted to enjoy every ounce of being home.

It's funny -- I walked in my door on Friday evening and fell in love with my place all over again. I suppose I have been too down on it and myself for not having done more (or actually, anything). But I have a renewed appreciation for my living quarters and intend to start adding personal touches in small bits and pieces soon.

Yesterday was a small to-do in Andersonville hosted by a co-worker. My GBF and I went together, which was oodles of fun as anyone who has a GBF would naturally expect. Of course, we caught up at his pad prior to departing for the evening out (which is also where my minor desire to slightly decorate could be coming from because his place is divine), which means we left later than we should have and arrived slightly more than fashionably late. But it was worth it because when GBF and I get together the laughs keep coming and the time zips by and why stop our fun if we don't have to? We stayed an appropriate amount of time and then drank at Scully's. "Just one" turned into closing the bar at 2:30. The nights that are never well planned and never go as expected are usually the ones that smack of great fun and adventures and good laughs with excellent people. Fun fun and I am lucky.

No recovery time today. Had errands to run and then Dad's 60th birthday BBQ. Lovely family gathering, and any day that includes Diva Niece is a fabulous one.

Am sooo looking forward to tomorrow. No big plans. No time-consuming commitments. Just errands and cleaning and laundry and TV and cooking dinner (yes, cooking. A true treat for me) and just enjoying everything before the week escapes me and I look around and am in Canada.


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