Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

25 April 2007

Slow Leak = Hours of Fun

I received an unexpected call at work today. It was from Debbie at the management company regarding the unit below mine. It seemed, she told me, that they had a bit of water coming from their ceiling in their closet. She speculated (and rightly so, we later learned) that this was coming from my water source; more specifically, the water source in my closet that was repaired during my last heat problem just two weeks ago.

My heart plummeted and then quickly ached a bit and then my pulse quickened and I immediately thought the worst. Was this going to be an expense I had to pick up? Was the neighbor below me experiencing major water damage? Was I experiencing some major water damage? And if so, what was that going to cost me?

I was nearly ready to pass out just thinking about it, ruing the day I ever decided home owning was a glorious experience I wanted to have. Debbie thought it best I get home ASAP. So I hopped the next train I could and made it home in time for the heating and cooling guy to waltz in with all of his machinery and get to work at 3:00 sharp.

As an aside, this is the same heating and cooling man who has helped me the past two times. We've seen far too much of each other in the past 5 months. The old biddies on my floor are going to start gossiping about my Polish luvah, I'm sure of it.

Anyway, my Mr. Fix-It tinkered around making quite a racket for not one, not two, not even three hours. Try, um...SIX hours. Yes, SIX. I was livid and tired and desperate for him (and later, his boss, too) to leave.

When all was fixed- how many hours later? Yes, that's SIX- and they assured me I wouldn't be experiencing further problems and I signed the work order, I could only sigh in utter happiness that I wasn't footing the bill on all of this overtime.

So when I woke up this morning and thought it would be just any old day of the week, I had no idea what would be in store for me.

I am craving a whole cask of red wine. Thank god tomorrow is the monthly dinner party, where I may not get a cask of wine, but it will surely be flowing freely enough.


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