Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

26 April 2007

But It Just Wouldn't Be The Same

I like "30 Rock." It's comic genious actually. And the very best character EVER is Baldwin's Jack Donaghy. Sadly, without Jack, the show would be your average, it's-not-even-worth-TIVOing comedy.

NBC rejecting his desire to be let out of his contract for a dumb reason like "parental alienation" (seriously, he just made that up) and hoping he doesn't take the cast and crew down with him (Why would he? They didn't rant at his child) is downright stupid.

Sure, Baldwin is a class A jerk. But he's a funny jerk. And "30 Rock" will continue to record on my TIVO.


  • Sorry MoC, I totally disagree with you on this one! I wish NBC had let Baldwin out of his contract because they should be embarrassed and outraged to employ such an out-of-control person. But as I predicted (to myself when this all happened), they not only didn't fire him, but insisted he stay. Great! I totally understand mis-guided anger and parental mistakes. But this went way over the top and I don't care what kind of custody/divorce battle someone is in, to verbally abuse their innocent child because of it is nothing more than a poor excuse of character. Wanting to leave the show is about the smartest thing Baldwin has done in his entire life - but now it looks like he'll continue to be employed no matter what he does. Just like lots of celebrities and pro athletes who break the law, get arrested, etc. They're still wanted, employable and desired by Hollywood. Like the article said, Baldwin is a draw. Let's all bow down to the almighty dollar, shall we???

    By Blogger RockerMom, at 7:19 PM  

  • I know you don't condone that. I just get so mad that entertainers are allowed so much leeway when it comes to their jobs, their behavior, and the law.

    By Blogger RockerMom, at 9:11 AM  

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