Losing Control of My Inner Monologue

30 January 2007


Wicked... Cold. I swear, Mother Nature has a twisted sense of humor to give us dreamy balmy winter weather followed by a harsh smack of arctic blasts. I haven't seen the sun in days and the temps keep dropping. I may turn into a popsicle. That walk to the train/train-work/work-train/train-gym/gym-home is brutal.


Wicked... Commuters. Seriously, folks, I'm losing my sanity dealing with anyone who complains about the cold/crowds/queues/ice/bad drivers who almost mow us down when crossing the street/street vendors blocking our paths/any other morning or evening complaint that is a big huge downer. Honestly? We're all going through it together. I don't need the running commentary. I'm trying to put it all out of my mind, and the grumblings, swearing, and complaints isn't helping. Focus on bundling up and braving the cold. Shut your trap and conserve heat and energy.


Wicked... Games. (Not an intentional take on the song of the same name) With DXB, they've reached ridiculous proportions. I'm not even playing anymore until it requires me exerting less energy.


Wicked... PMS. Yeah, it's not a good month. It's possible I could eat my way through work. I'm trying to exercise restraint.


Wicked... Medium? My future SIL's dad died. It sucks. The family went to the wake on Sunday. My (already-) SIL and I were sitting on some stairs [leading up to where is something I'd rather not contemplate] and Diva Niece was walking up and down, babbling away. She got into this routine of walking up the stairs, staring (and sometimes pointing) and then coming back down only to look back, plant herself firmly on the floor, and then turn around and do it again. SIL and I were both puzzled by this routine, and so she asked her daughter, "Diva, what's up there?" We were giggling, thinking she'd say "door" or something in her cute but rather limited vocabulary. Diva Niece turned around, looked us both squarely in the eyes and said with complete clarity, "ghost." (Ok, it was more like ghooosssht, but it was still unmistakable)

:: shudder ::

Needless to say, SIL and I were freaked out. So I encouraged Diva Niece to go up there again and tell us what was really up there. She complied and came back with the same answer. We sent her up one more time, hoping to get a name and/or purpose out of it/her, but then realized that even if she got it, she didn't have the verbal skills to explain it all back to us. So we grabbed her and walked away. End of (freaky) game.


Wicked... Tired. Only Tuesday night and already amazingly exhausted.


  • This is all good though...you'll get all the grumpies and feeling like crap done with so you can really enjoy the game this weekend!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:06 AM  

  • Yeah, I have a feeling come the weekend things will be much brighter in my world. Go Bears!

    By Blogger mistressofchange, at 9:11 AM  

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